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, Ono Jio is an abrupt halt ,he was going to throw the helve after the hatchet ,only two thousand troops to surround Shijing town comprehensive package enclosure is almost a joke ,the long siege lines scattered Japanese puppet army forces sufficiently to allow Twelve teams to form local force crush one by one ,however this should come to reinforcements but because of various reasons can not arrive on time ,can not realize the planned reinforcements for ring of encirclement ,Renqiu county the main fixed stormed through the oil ,add them into a war of attrition tactics .
relationresultThe twelvedivision table, set the situation simply worn off Onokazu a brigade of troops .relationresultOno Jiohas been unable to endure situation continued to deteriorate ,he has seen both sides of the balance of power is slowly inclined balance ,but also in useless useless ,make one for him is the most sensible choice .
relationresultAlmostwithout a telescope ,cnn,the naked eye can see Shijing town on the west side of enemy intensity increased rapidly ,in the darkness ,he rushed to four positions .relationresultIt looks likethe days of the twelve division to Ono Jio tortured !Li Wei is not a little worried about it ,almost continuous warfare .
Have the soldiers learned how to high strength constant battle to keep the situation under the exuberant energy and morale ,to guns safely rest and rapid response in combat ,this fact alone is enough to make the team ,in the face of the future twelve fight unbeaten status .
relationresultJapaneseintended to throw the helve after the hatchet . ! Lee Weiwang distant enemy figure ,Ono Jio seemed not idiot ,also can choose in this case the most favorable tactics ,if can break through four lines ,the Japanese and puppet troops the number advantage can quickly swing out ,fortress or most easily from the inside.
,outside the town of defense line for the insertion of the Shijing the core of the town Japanese troops was almost undefended .relationresultLike an egg ?!It ?! Li Wei does not see any tension ,Renqiu County, the Japanese and puppet troops since the fighting began tactical nothing wrong ,and even to perform well, it is a pity that trumps are standing in the twelve division one side ,how Ono Jio may win the layout of the twelve division .
Li Wei on the edge of the Signal Corps : command reserve support four ,each each other out of a row, in four formed around the flanks ,still in the last line of defense troops continue to stay alert ,teams at all, get the gun ,ready to fight ! , relationresultInthe hard cases, almost no tactics at all, only depends on the number and individual quality ,only then has the possibility to become the winning side .
relationresultTo start !Make a deal ! Li Wei is like the smell of blood, be overcome by one to shudder ,hand trembles ,behind never leaves his fighting spines appear in hand heart ,the blade of the sword light suffused with bloodthirsty desire .
relationresultShijing TownWest positions have guns concentrated ,both grenade launchers and mortars continuously reciprocating in both positions up a flame ,late two door type nine five infantry gun barrel was soiled water cloth wrapped ,almost every once in a while ,the artillery to bore a clean-up cooling treatment ,side opened lid box with a pile of shells ,stacked ,but this time the twelve division team home base to turn out, the artillery were hit particularly hard, each gun is stared at the most densely populated places to play ,before the two Japanese armored car early in the war in the live bullets hit, solid iron just hit into a honeycomb ,for steel core bullet Mark Qin machine gun bullet penetration ,in substantially upgrade .
relationresultItis the most good at melee characteristics of four ,has been associated with the Japanese and puppet troops together kill became a regiment ,third layers of defense line of the commanding heights of the gunner ,almost come into the enemy base bullets ,twelve team in five and eight militia companies arrived just in time ,the hard life of the resisted the Japanese and puppet troops the two battalion of the attack ,this time has no matter whether the breakthrough ,both sides became entangled in a war of attrition ,has let the hatred savings to a burst of vertices, the commander orders also refers to just completely detonated the volcano .
relationresultEmptycartridges with the bayonet ,bayonet broke with a hit ,the gun was broken ,with army thorn ,thorn bends on the unarmed army .relationresultThe rifle,bayonet ,army thorn ,engineers shovel ,stone ,ice ,fingers and teeth, all the things have become twelve division soldiers fighting the enemy weapon ,each soldier are almost everything for a weapon .
relationresultBattleJapanese officers some frightened now ,Shijing town Twelve teams or even completely different from the previous cognitive those of route eight , earth eight ,the Japanese always call them ,but now they see is a crazy soldier armed to the teeth ,their weapons and equipment than even the Japanese and puppet troops more sophisticated ,a wild type of uniform, not money shines the machine gun bullets ,the roar of cannon ,where as a place on the earth eight way .
In front of twelve teams ,Renqiu County, the Japanese and puppet troops will only soil on his head .relationresultUntil the fullplay time ,Renqiu county puppet army realized that the twelve division team terrible, oh no ,in the twelve division in the soldiers in their eyes ,there is a more fearful people ,almost every experienced recruits soldiers know when not even the legendary devil instructor how to tell the recruits what is cruel, and the battlefield warriors but will learn the brutal complete show in front of the Japanese army .
relationresultOncethe Japanese atrocities in the fear experienced recruits profession, the soldiers had almost no care about Japanese that make an empty show of strength .relationresultLi Weizhengone Staring at the four positions upon the battle cry and up the blood haze ,suddenly heard someone behind to extreme anger tunnel: Li wei !You little asshole doing? ! , relationresultYes,I am.
Li Wei hadn angry ,but immediately soft down ,this is not the voice of the who, it is area of captain Wang Bao ,he turned round ,but Wang Bao strong hand picked up the collar ,see an angry face .
relationresult,and brother !To eat no !It Some of Li Wei a tunnel ,he always belongs to the fishing Pianmen molecules ,have always upright Rin Ling Ran Wang Bao ,since ancient times is the evil can never prevail over good.
People root ,Facebook,red seedling is ,come very naturally took a commanding .relationresultSeeLi Weiyi face a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure expression, Wang Bao tone : see you do not have good !Leftward or rightward ,you have such a fight ?!* the guerrilla war policy ,you forget where to go ?! He pointed to the west of Shijing Town, playing for a league four positions ,twelve division team almost half of troops were thrown in, since twelve since the establishment of the team ,google,not the number of times this extravagant used .
relationresultThe 437th Festival , relationresultThrow the helve after the hatchetOno Jio concentrated on Shijing town outside the Japanese and puppet troops blockade line because of shortage of troops and the loopholes in the blockade ,has been eager to return to the team around Wang Bao to seize the opportunity ,successful penetration of the Japanese puppet army cordon ,staged a king king Bolex let just be like a lion in the Li Wei dwarf in the middle of .
relationresultThis ,this ,practice training ,sooner or later, tough ,early and late won like it ,early experience is also a good point . In the face of Wang Bao, Li Wei was also a bit truth also can to be guilty .
relationresult?!Even one thousand troops are not, just want to beat more than 3000 enemy ?Do you think the soldiers body is made of steel !The bullet does not hurt ?! Wang Bao stared, in his eyes, Li Wei is more like a vapid found a lame excuse ,this guy is holding a twelve division team main force used to be a hero .
relationresultLatetwo door type nine five infantry gun does not stop the bombardment ,Wang Bao throat section of a moment, the Eight Route Army there have been several troops of artillery Related articles:

