
beats by dr dre pro the gradual south wi

Chapter 701 beard movements horse
From the river host most the Great Wall of northern side until the of Yin mountain is all khans that belong to big Tang to all protect a mansion to rule over ground, the beginning found a nation at big Tang, the imperial government built 3 to accept surrender city in the Yin the south of the mountain, and send a soldier to garrison, resist Turkic, but perish along with the Jue, more and more Turkic person's souths attach big Tang, big dynasty Tang then did an important decision, will these inside attach Turkic person setting at the Great Wall with north, Yin mountain with south of large steppe up.
Medium Tang after, corrupt along with the mansion soldier system, imperial government hard burden huge military expenses expenditure, Tang Jun's actual control ground also the gradual south withdraw, the khans all protected a mansion to also become Tang ting nominal control ground, 3 accepts surrender city to no longer have troops to garrison, Tang Jun defendoofs and sends back yellow river and the Great Wall front line.
But inside attach the Turkic person of tang dynasty nominally is a tang dynasty emperor is a sky, khan, but actually their independence from govern, be free from a tang dynasty control, contrary, they to Anne the Lu mountain and history think clear is to pay highly respects, with as for they became the disorderly main force of Anne's history afterwards.
But because the history thinks clear lead early with Anne the Lu mountain split up, make these two warlords in parties Hebei of the supporter is entirely different, the Anne Lu mountain is support that gets contract Dan, but the history think clear supporter then mainly is inside attach a Turkic person, they form of address the history think clearly for two saints, the food sends army and supports history's thinking to claim leadership in Hebei clearly.
But the world didn't eat without paying of lunch, inside attach Turkic the person support history's thinking clearly and also is in order to seek rich and populous wealth in Hebei and population, when big Tang is strong, they will throw on sheepskin and pack into a sheep with gentle, can when tang dynasty is weak, they will uncover sheepskin and peep out a ferocious wolf tooth......
At the beginning of in April, Li Qing An leads 150,000 in person Tang the soldier rode a soldier to arrive one endless steppe of hoping, Li Qing An is already to be a veteran warrior, once had many times to cross swords towards returning to He person also, if just want to fight He once person, that is easy, send a to pay crack ride thorough steppe of soldier of interior region, the head quarter has to cut to get, can if is want to thoroughly perish He once, that has to adopt a battlefield war, at every step is camp.
But if is so, Tang Jun's logistic supply line will lead long, easily be returned to He to ride soldier's raid, so Li Qing An decides to adopt to vomit Fan the person's way and builds up replenishment to order, the battalion walks to where, supply to order and then set up where?
What Li Qing An chose the first replenishment point is called black city and is located in a green mountain with the south, is also today's shouting and Hao especially, it is originally a steppe small town, is Tang Jun in the Yin mountain a take to patrol of a supply depot and Shao, but along with inside attach Turkic the flowing out of person go into, this small city also lost its military function and became a businessmen gathering ground.
Tea-leaf from tang dynasty, salt, cast iron, silk, cloth, and food...etc. a great deal of goods all gather to spread here, though the tang dynasty has already practiced scathing trade embargo towards returning to He in several year agos,inshore smuggle in Hebei is still rampant, the restriction order tube of imperial government doesn't get to Hebei, in addition to Hebeis, such as cast iron and food...etc. is also strange to lack of strategic supplies, tea-leaf, salt, silk, cloth etc. living supplies still in great quantities pass smuggle or trade a way to flow into steppe.
Company Mao of black city still keeps stimulating, the black city isn't big, city wall the week is long only have three inside, the city wall is about one Zhang in height, the steppe builds castellan if used for defending wolf, therefore the city wall is widespreadly all not high, the someone in the city is more than 300 doors, fixs a company to spread among them about 4510, here can also be called the marketplace of steppe, Inn inside the city, wine shop, wager building and brothel every kind is supplied here, jamed the herding people who rushed through everywhere from the steppe every day, they sell out a sheepskin medicine material, again buy lives such as some tea-leaf and salt etc. the article return to, enough money in hand, still need to take a walk wine shop brothel naturally, a great deal of of customer, make here the businesses of each store are all very prosperous.
But early in the morning today, the whole black city then covers with in the one to fear in, most of stores didn't open the door, each per family is all anxious, have already had the herding the people to spread to the news that Tang Jun go up north, last night evening, Tang Jun's main force has already arrived 50 inside outside.
Have in the central part of black castellan street one calls Yan however reside of the wine shop is also a biggest in five wine shops inside the city, are opened by a Hahn people, the more than ten of hises waiters all come from Shuo state.
This Hahn people, Xing Tao, is a river east Shuo state person, he is in the black city live for 30 years, he is good kind, often give relief to Gu poverty, and I barely understand medical skill, generally herd owned by private capital what slight illness, he will take pleasure in helping and come down for several decades, surroundings several hundred in of the herding people have no incognizant he, don't don't respect him, all call his pottery old dad, his wine shop also business had better, sit every day full everywhere come of herding people.even still have a foreign shepherd from a long distance.
In early morning, Yan however reside wine shop and then jamed a guest, the foot contains many several hundred people and is crowded the wine shop full be be, even a 4 people's table all pushed ten several people beside, the men and women are old little to all have, all of these guests are the businessman and residents of this cities, they aren't to come to drink, but come to seek refuge here, this is a kind of viewpoint of subconscious, Tang Jun arrives, and only Hahn people's place is just more safe.
Not only is a Yan however reside, moreover an Inn and a few Hahn people's companies that Hahn people open spreads also similar jamed to seek refuge of Turkic person.
Is all very quiet inside the whole small city, wine shop inside a little bit some noisy then, was full of an one in a low voice low language voice, at this time, outside avenue up suddenly spread the clop of a burst of rush, the voice is loudly like thunder, this at least is 100 several horses just have of voice ring, inside the Inn a short moment the one is silent, the woman hugs a kid tightly, color peeped out to fear on everybody's face, this was Tang Jun into the city.
Shopkeeper pottery old dad's facial expression is heavily a bit complicated, seem to be worry, he walks to doorway in quick time and sews to outwardly look about from the door, his an eye then saw one brigade several people's non-commissioned officer Tang's soldier is walking to his Inn.Frighten he retreated 2.
'Bang!Bang!'Of knock on door a voice to ring out, listens to outside's someone at Gao Han:"Open the door!"
All frighten on the face of owner scare not already, the shopkeeper pottery old dad comes forward to draw back a door to bolt, door drive bomb ground one push away, several ten non-commissioned officer Tang's soldiers greatly tread to walk into wine shop.
"All originally hide here to come!"
Is a military school Tang Wei for head, he swept a turn of the person in house, cold way:"You are afraid of!Is afraid that Tang Jun ate you?Hum!Your this several still not enough Tang Jun to 100 people fills crevice between teeth."
He suddenly raised voice, loudly way:"Offer up general Yu, the black city has already been taken over by Tang Jun, all of the owner move away city to reside temporarily!"
He finishes declaring an order, see public don't respond, not from once eyes stare, "do not understand my words?"
The pottery old dad hurriedly comes forward an arch hand way:"Soldier Ye, all of them are Turkics person, don't understand man words."
Wei in the school this just understands to come over, to pottery old dad's way:"That you tell them!"
Pottery old dad again very careful confirmation way:"The meaning of the soldier Ye BE, don't kill them, just move away?"
"That's right!The full general soldier doesn't want to kill them, but we want black city, let them immediately move in addition to city, they can take their their own things, but have to be half of two-hour period inside finish moving, compute from now on, exceed time, with spy theory place!"
The pottery old dad flurried uses the meaning of Wei in the school the Turkic language explained toward many voices a time of, immediately go it blind one regiment inside the wine shop, everybody fights to be the first to rush out wine shop and hurtle toward own store and home to, only have half of two-hour period, who all want to move more some thing.
Hurriedly the several ten Tang Jun Shan arrives one side and lets them goes out, a short moment time, several 100 people in the wine shop then run cleanly, a don't remain.
At this time, Wei in the school turns head to ask the pottery old dad:"Are you a pottery righteousness?"
The pottery old dad orders, pottery righteousness this name he has been already done not use for 30 years, he touches an a piece of Bronze Medal from the bosom and pass to Wei in the school, Wei in the school cautiously tooks a look, then to his way:"You follow me!"
2 people came out wine shop and turned over a body top horse, to city outside but go.
On the steppe out of the black city, 150,000 Tang the soldier is setting up camp, this will be that one is continuous ten in of even the camp advertised for inconvenience because of the north, some impedimenta with not big uses Tang Jun then didn't take and for example offended the city products, such as weapon and camp grid...etc., the way that Tang Jun adopts Shao tower, at connect camp side up built more than 20 Shao towers.
The big one inside the camp is busy, the food for powder has of set up camp, have of feed a horse, have of cover up a pot to rebel, voice seethe, noisy abnormality, the pottery old dad has already dismounted and follow Wei in the school to medium soldier the big debt walk.
The pottery old dad's official native place is the river east Shuo state person, but actually he is a ground leaf's Hahn people, at the age of 3, his father drive man Tang will send, the whole family moved river east too original, become river eastern man Tang Hui's one member, along with the rise of the side Mao, his father is again sent Shuo state to open to trade a trading company, from now on the whole family then moved the household register to Shuo state.
Is 20 years old that year, he changes name to change surname arrived at black city, take a wife to living son here, firm under root, in a flash then for the past 30 years, though he has already kept off tang dynasty, he still is man Tang Hui Yi's member, annually periodical to too original man Tang will make collective report a circumstance, and want to hand over to the 70% profits that he gains man Tang Hui.
Until several year agos, river eastern man Tang will change to river east intelligence report hall, he also made changes in an identity and got a new license plate and became one of the member of big intelligence report Tang's hall and was responsible for collect Yin mountain a take Turkic person of intelligence report.
2 people walked up a Li Qing An's medium soldier big debt, was blocked by the close Wei, Wei in the school came forward a way:"This is the intelligence report hall of the black city member, the full general wants to summon him."
A few close soldiers come forward and go up and down pottery righteousness tightly search 1 time, this just put him to go in.
Medium the soldier is inside the handsome debt, Li Qing An just and pair Li Cheng and great commander thunder ten thousand springs, remainings of He Lou are smooth, Ma 璘 , marching to take charge of Ma Xin Yun's city to wait more than tens mainly will get in the sand to negotiate military situation before the dish.
Since the Great Wall came out, they march several hundred insides all the way on the steppe, didn't meet any Turkic person's tribe, and the history thinks clear of cripple soldier, they imitate a Buddha without basis and disappeared generally.
Until yesterday, their patrol just grasped several Turkics herding that came to black city to sell goods people, knew from their, their tribes already the north escape Yin mountain, but they are just a small tribe and have no history to think the clear troops follow behind, the history thinks the clear troops escape where, they don't know as well.
Li Qing An pickeds up a wood pole to point at a Yin mountain way:"There are three possibilities now, one is a history to think have already led Yin mountain clearly, to Mo north the interior region escape, go to and return to He soldier to remit to match, another may be that they hide a certain in the Yin mountain, sit to see us and return to He ammunition to put together, return one may be them to east or westward flee elsewhere, even twists about arrive after death, we wait for an opportunity to kill Hebei once."
Make reference to here, Li Qing An saw one eye public facial expression, see them pensively, then know that they worry most what, and then say with smile:"In this a few possibilities, I most pay attention to a history to think clearly whether will escape a northern court, this is in fact also the affair that I worry most ."
Li Qing An's vision again hurl to the thunder is ten thousand springs, ask him a way:"Thunder general, you once sped to reside to postpone sea from the northern court, again from resided to postpone sea to Shuo state, I to ask you, this in the center how long will it take?"
Thunder ten thousand springs start a way:"Report back the full general soldier, was mutually apart from ten thousand insides from here to northern court, if tirelessly sped, also needed a month time, all the way is ten thousand inside steppe, now the season also allows and compatibly waits to say from the road, isn't impossible, but history's thinking the biggest problem is clearly a food to supply, he has ten remainings ten thousand battalions and wants to lead ten remainings ten thousand battalions to rush to northern court all the way, is almost impossible, and ten remaining ten thousand Turkic beards the soldier all drag along a house to take small, unless he can say that all Turkic tribes follow behind him together west move, so the vulgar job thinks, he escapes the possibility of northern court not big."
Li Qing An puts a hand and lets him sits down, he and then to the public way:"Though possibility not big, still keep having this possibility, so I already the life segment show actually send 5,000 ride the soldier intercepts on the steppe patrol of the west, once having been already discovered, then wanting to immediately report a report to me, this I invite everyone trust, in fact I individual think, kill the possibility of Hebei once also not big, the reason is once also food problem, kill Hebei he is from try to commit suicide road, so only have two kinds of possibility, cross Yin mountain, go and live with He person once, or hide a certain in the Yin mountain, there being moreover also an important clues inviting everyone don't forget, the history thinks clear ten several ten thousand troops constitute to°from 16 Turkic persons of tribes, isn't a history to think a person clearly say calculate, his important decision is all good to 16 tribe leaders of approval."
Flank of Li Cheng smiled, "the meaning of the great commander soldier is to say, the history thinks clear troops to cross Yin mountain and go and live with He person's possibility once in fact also not big, rightness?"
Li Qing An smiled to order to nod, "BE exactly so, probably the history thinks to want to go clearly, but the Turkic person in his troops doesn't necessarily want to go."
At this time, the big debt unauthorized biography comes to report a report voice, "full general soldier, the pottery righteousness of black city has been already taken!"
"Let him come in!"
Li Qing An to public say with smile:"We how guess to is all mateur, also listen to the opinion of intelligence report hall!"
A short moment, once the debt Lian pick, a few close soldiers got pottery righteousness to walk to come in, although the pottery righteousness is a member,he is after all living in the steppe for 30 years, with general civilian have no what distinguish, he comes forward then double knee to kneel down, to Li Qing An Ke a , "the pottery righteousness pay visit to Zhao Wang's his highness!"
Li Qing An sees his beard hair all white, already 60 remaining year old,beats by dr dre pro, then and hurriedly come forward to start to hand he, "need not be over-courteous, start to please!"
Hand him to get up, Li Qing An and then to public smile introduction of way:"This Mr. Tao is also a ground leaf person, in the black city live for 30 years, is a previously man Tang Hui's member."
Man Tang will at Anne west soldier is no longer what secret, public hear that he is also a ground leaf person, then felt close for several cents, all smiled the hand is toward his arch arch, the pottery righteousness swarms about in the great commander of seem to be very in the debt the strain restrain, Li Qing An also not much difficult he, then say with smile:"We is discussing that the history thinks the direction of clear battalion, can Mr. Tao provide some clues for us?"
Finish saying, he passed the wood pole to pottery righteousness, the pottery righteousness walked to the sand before the dish, he still sees for the first time this kind of live map, foolish Leng along while, just slowly respond to come over, "!Originally this is the Yin mountain, oh!This is the green mountain, that this must be the black city."
He found out a black city made into with the wood, again careful to observe on all sides, Li Qing An didn't press, he knows to adapt to this kind of sand dish demand time, however since the pottery righteousness don't have a denial, explain that he has some clues and hopes for several cents in Li Qing An's heart.
The pottery righteousness has already gradually acquainted with sand dish and also gradually falls calm, he then to the public way:"If there are a lot of Turkic persons on all sideses in my wine shop, , about by three days, have a help to black city to buy tea-leaf and salt of the Turkic person get to my store in drink, I listen to they complain and say that the troops expend too greatly, they of the lambs was all rent away by the troops, I asked him at that time is where of troops, he said from south noodles come of, estimated to is a history to think clear troops."
The clues of pottery righteousness lets the military officers in the big debt all a burst of surprise, Li Cheng hurriedly asks him:"That this how many Turkics where does the person come from?"
The pottery righteousness says with smile:"This kind of people I also see for the first time, I also with them chat in a short while, they are Turkic person from the same Luo's departments, together Luo's department and cloth after thinking merger, big part drive the cloth think and take go to west, but still have a small part to distribute at the You state with north, they say a lot of tribes together east escape, there are many several 100,000 people, servant bone, together Luo, think knots to all have, result at 99 spring there they inner part take place antinomy, together Luo and think knots all don't wish north go to, finally is troops and servant bone department to go toward the Yin mountain direction."
Li Qing An and Li Chengs have two informations towards hoping one eye, in the this time words of pottery righteousness at least, one was a history to think a clear Turkic soldier to split up, the another was to be separated time combine soon, this is probably a Turkic the person collects of time expend too manies to.
Li Qing An cautiously tooks a look sand dish again, the pottery righteousness is pointed at with the wood pole east noodles one green way, "here is 99 springs, in fact constitute to°from a lot of small lakes lake, leave us here only have 200 inside."
Li Qing An orders, together Luo and think knot can hand over to Li Guang Bi's troops' processing, their purposes want to catch up a history to think clear troops.
At this time, the pottery righteousness suddenly thinks of one matter again, then hasty way:"There is also a clues, probably useful."
Li Qing An hurriedly way:"You say!"
"Is also the day before yesterday, I listen to a storekeeper that company spreads say, someone is all in great quantities purchasing tea-leaf and salt, make the their store insides buying the light stock all, seem a lot of stores to all have this circumstance....."
"Where are they now?"
Don't wait he to finish saying, Li Qing An then interrupt he, he almost can affirm, this must be the history to think clear parties comer, only troops just have so big depletion.
"They all moved away city, should in southern neighborhood in the door."
"Take me to see!"
After a short moment, Li Qing An and Li Chengs took several hundred to ride a soldier to arrive to south in addition to city, is Tang Jun here appointed of live ground at the time, have already been getting more dated now, several hundreds of families all city, the all familieses all have their own tents, they home worth money thing Kobe beef sheep all move come, public just at busily firm tent, tidy up thing, not distance, a brigade's riding soldier is keeping watch on them.
The pottery righteousness went to inside the tent, very quick, he got 34 businessmen to come over, the close soldier took them to Li Qing An's in front, they have already known and asked him at this time what matter.
Pottery righteousness first to Li Qing An's way:"These 3 people do salt tea inside the cities the business is the biggest of three, their stocks were all bought light."
All of three businessmen are Turkics person, they kneel down to kowtow, "grass the people pay respects to his highness!"
Li Qing An smiled to smile and used Turkic language to their way:"Tang Jun never hurts a civilian and can't plunders businessman, either, though you trust, I want to ask you now, is what person buy light your stock, where did they go?The affair that is when?"
Three Turkic persons listen to Li Qing An to say one mouthful fluently Turkic language, all big is surprised, an among those old businessman answers a way:"Report back his highness, the affair takes place fore sky evening, there are more than 20 big fellows, very smart ability, our after the event also added up, they totally bought to walk 10,000 loads of tea-leaf and more than 1,000 rock salts, we sent to goods in addition to city, discover that they in fact have several hundred people, more than 200 wagons."
More than 200 wagons should walk not and quickly, can also catch up, Li Qing An cross-examines a way again:"That do they have to say to go where?"
"They aren't willing to say, but I a waiter listens to one among those persons complain, say the true water city of promise is so far, three how may arrive to."
The promise true water city is located in Yin mountain north Lu, this was the most decisive clues, Li Qing An right away turned head to Li Cheng Dao:"The wagon brigade that carries tea salt is to go to promise true water city, there should be the history thinks clear troops of collect ground, time is urgent, we want to immediately set out!"
After a hour, Li Qing An and Li Chengs lead 100,000 to ride a soldier toward the north vastly and mightily but go, march to take charge of Ma Xin Yun's city to then lead 50,000 people to stay to guard black city.
Thunder ten thousand springs lead 3,000 to ride the soldier as vanguard, each of them goes together with a pair of horses, Li Qing An makes they a days and one nights inside want to catch up the wagon brigade of carrying the salt tea, 3,000 ride soldier the lightning fast sort disease rush on the broad steppe, but the steppe really is too broad, want the movements of finding out the wagon brigade, not easy, thunder ten thousand springs sent again ten patrol squad cent head search.
The next morning, a squad finally discovered the trace of wagon brigade, thunder ten thousand springs immediately led a soldier to rush through in the past, by the side of a brook, they see the together clear car wheel print and printed to judge from the car wheel, should carry a heavy thing, and the amount is many, there is also much excrement of horses.
A patrol comes forward to report a report:"General, Ma Fen is very fresh, at most be separated a many hours."
A many hours, that wagon brigade in place ahead 50 in addition to inside, thunder ten thousand springs immediately issue order, "set out!Catch up a car brigade inside a hour."
3,000 ride a soldier to urge a horse and then make track for, in noon cent, a patrol to report, discover afar 20 several there is one small black mark of going outside the insides.
Thunder once ten thousand spring hands put and stopped troops, he to nearby of a Lang way:"You lead 1,000 brotherses to round a front first, block up them and forbid one person to slip through the net!"
The Lang will get to make and lead 1,000 to ride a soldier toward the northwest direction but go, thunder ten thousand springs aren't worried, about again lead half of two-hour period, he estimates troops already round past, this just issue order, "the whole army make track for shot and forbid one person to slip through the net!"
Leave 2,000 to ride soldier Yan,such as flat ground, blows of a tornado, the everyone strives to fight to be first, to north fierce make track for but go to, half of two-hour period after, they finally caught up the wagon brigade of carrying the salt tea.
New book 《emperor's clan 》 , tonight 12:00 formally uploads and also has two hours and delivers the fatty chapter of 6,000 words first, old Gao will sweep snow to cook tea waiting everybody.
The underneath is a new book brief introduction:
Position humble concubine's son, life experience mysterious youth, fierce just hard fist, when the breeze rose he pleasure gratitude and revenge.The 10-year company fights of strong, indifferent to fame and wealth lazy person, old strive for deeply calculate of Zhi heart, talk to smile, he makes final bid a long distance.Sigh previous incarnation Jie however whole body, have no depend on alongside;See the this present life eminent family emperor's clan, pretty wife full hall;Dynasty winds and clouds, five dragon Duo Di, dynasty the hall fight, uncanny shocking, he on lying a lazy person, again should what should one do?
The new book fascinating Fen presents and whets Li for old Gao few years, in no case will make everyone disappoint.
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