
Beats By Dr Dre Solo ly emitting sweat h

 Distance, urgent whistle voice from far and near force to the dormitory building, small three change countenance a way:"Be getting worse, the police came, dodo you walk quickly, I come to drag along them.{I}see.book*Zhai"the piece Be really great to shake head a way:"Can escape again and again where to go?I am since innocent, rather calm justice for face, willing give me naturally."Small 3:"But where will this kind of matter police who is fantastic believe?You say legend with him, he on the contrary thinks that are you a mental illness, you still walk first for wonderful."Piece really great way:"I don't have evidence proof I ain't a murderer, he also has no evidence to prove that I am a murderer, he doesn't dare to take I how of, besides if I walked ……" he suddenly live not to say, usually and the piece is really great intention already mutually of small three immediately figure out the really great empress half sentence of piece didn't speak of words:If he really dies to annoy the target tracked, so once he walk, the legend necessarily will can not restrain and rear thus its Lu mountain true character.Small 3:"Although say like this, the risk is a lot too big, the dog urgently will jump a wall, you left its knot boundary, the legend might advance to your cutthroat in pain, unless ……" his words made reference to here to stop, because the polices are small to run have already arrived at his in front.Turn Be carried to read a Lang net
Stand first a still a younger police, he first to piece really great and small three produced his certificate, then the opponent arm up still put needle of piece really great way:"You are a piece really great?We are investigating your occurrence in the school now of murder case, please return to 1 with us."Small three facial expressionses are very difficult to see a way:"I protest against that Mr. police shines on precedent, unless specially urgent great circumstance, even if police car also not the ability blare a whistle in the teaching area.Your procedure has been illegal, we refuse to accept."Though is robustly againsted, but that police looks to seem to be not angry at all and on the contrary says with smile:"I understand your moods, however I come to probably can tell you a good news this time, the corpse examination of the legal medical expert reports to have been already come out, that dead dies of it be not last night, but by two days or longer time.So we now already accusation of repeal to piece really great Sir, but he is a witness, still keep having already returned to help the obligation that we investigate."
Is dead two days ago?!The piece is really great and small three not from get a shock at the same time, 2 people to hope one eye, the road of the rights of the case already more and more obvious.Die time super make a day of it, the corpse will appear putrefied flavor, particularly there is heavy rain just on that day, is also an easy acceleration corpse of putrefied, but that time, the piece is really great but could not smell one silk abnormality of smell.Although police didn't say clearly, that words in clear suggested such a meaning:That was one to still have exactly an evening rain water to soak among them but the slightest don't appear a putrefied corpse after two days.Is a phenomenon that completely not agrees with to match physical normal regulations again!In addition to nonhuman strength, have no any further other can explain of reason.In the piece really great heart on moving, dynasty that police orders a way:"Okay, I return to investigate with you."Say a dynasty the flank still too late responds of small three made an expression of eyes.Is small three see really great intention of piece already definitely, pour not obstruct, he the ground of Zheng Zheng looking at a piece really great ascend police car, swift as the wind and lightning but go to, dark way:Dodo, your adjust a tiger to leave mountain to account can really succeed?
Although the piece is really great to have already had an arrangement,small three at heartses press to weigh most of the big stone but is the words said by flyincat, don't check water rockslide, perhaps he can not Anne descend heart to come and go the survey piece matter that is really great to be attacked.He arrives at campus a quieter and out-of-the-way corner first and seeks an ic card telephone booth, the Chou Chou is everywhere nobody, immediately picked up a words tube, by leap and bound stired a string of telephone number.Telephone that rang out leisurely long but stanza Lyu even voice, soon, an orotund deep and low man's voice starts to connect a way:"Feed, seek which?"Is small three suddenly feel own hand some to shiver, the center of palm is continuously emitting sweat, he is strong to settle for about a minute from the town, telephone that seems to think that he broke, continuously is asking question, small three finally openings way:"Is a monster monster?I seek a ghost version webmaster monster monster."
Chapter 9

Telephone that is very long silent, just way:"Is small three?Why to call so me?"Small 3:"I seek you for asking some matters of ghost version of.{If I} see. book* Zhai monster monster, if I didn't record wrong, you are from tall Gao the ages start taking office a ghost version webmaster of?""……BE, I take office a ghost version the webmaster have what not satisfactory?""Not ……old webmaster phenix have never said with you what?Is some concerning himself or is ……the secret of dint ghost version?"
"……Is small three, this secret I can not tell you.""Monster monster, I can also tell you, I am small three isn't a like to find out a somebody else** of person.Because this big affair in the sky happened, I have to, can also say dint infinite have to request your help.""What affair?Say so seriously, will frighten mine.""You should know the matter aring attacked dodo?""Yes.How?He is attacked and be dint infinite to have a relation with ghost version??""Is not clear currently, but I hope that you can tell me this secret.Unless you unfeeling dodo's continuing life is dangerous."
"Is small three, I understand your mood, but concerning phenix in a row drive 13 secrets that girl flies I really and really can not tell you, because I am to take advantage o him drunk just the set come out.The guest of the wave@Chinese I want to be responsible for him.""…………………………You have already spoken."
Is small three in distress situationly hang a telephone, the monster monster(unicorn) is in a serious manner still that so and sees his attitude thus and calmly, indeed as expected is to don't know taboo concerning ghost version, so the phenix should be ill-defined, otherwise with the personality that he is responsible for so, can't neglect thus.The contents of the taboo does true control in Gao Gao's hand?Is small three come out telephone booth, raise head to took a look a firmamental sun, the sunlight of sting eye shines on his eyes the Mi became 1 to sew.The matter arrives at present already nowhere to turn, only asked Gao Gao, his hand inside is the only a clues.
Telephone of that carries and hear small three hanged a telephone, the monster monster was disappointed if lose ground to still take a words tube, listen to a lifeless busy sound of inside, once in a very long while don't deliver one speech."BE who beat of telephone?"After death and suddenly ring out a voice of woman.The monster monster time wakes up and hangs the telephone next:"Is small three."That woman gradually walks up and got away from in the blackness of the house, can see a face of sweet abnormality and a pair of moving big eyes, be dressed in a set of long skirt of pomp, just studded with on that face of but is an apathetic facial expression, let people feel on seeing not to dare to become intimate with.That woman hears is the telephone that is small three dozenses of to come to obviously have some disappointment:"Did he discover that matter?"The monster monster shakes a way:"Should didn't°yet.If we need not embrace to fantasize to this, if Gao Gao not loose, no one can know."That woman body tiny tiny one Zhan, immediately gloomy lower the head to go, soft-voiced way:"Do not you really resist?Monster monster, we really don't go ……""how resist?"The monster monster suddenly returns overdo, angry countenance all over the face way:"I have already said with you, he be not with our the same kind of, we basically beat however he!"That woman raises head to horselaugh to call a way:"Will we like this hide to lead during a lifetime?……"Make reference to here her voice sobbed, she squatted down a body to go and by hand put on on the ground a ,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, dynasty the monster monster open to cry a way:"We want to lead forever thus helpless day?I have already canned not bear with!"Lend a door outside shoot come of depend on sparse sunlight, can can see that woman two hands ascend full be stained with to glue a dense blood, the positive every drop Ta Ta downwards drops.The monster monster saw those bloods, the facial expression also wasn't got up by dark, he is long long the ground sighed one breath way:"Small bird, is my did it ever to bear with same pain and sufferings with you?But we have to have confidence, all sooner or later can discover his weakness.I monster monster already to sky Related articles:

