
beats by dre rd The Feng lord of

The big gift of chapter 1,004 company's diagram 【four more 】
The lord of absolute being state controled with endless abyss to once arouse to once fight?This words go into business to speak in the diagram, perhaps not only is only a hearsay, but Be getting trueer.
Summer's talking is mercilessly vibrated for a while and poured to take a suck at cool annoy, although he knows that the endless abyss controls the real strenght is very strong, but also ten thousand ten thousand unexpectatively will be strong to arrive ability and absolute being of the situation of the main shoulder to shoulder of state.
"Company diagram elder generation, those two adults arouse the mouth of war in result how?"The summer talks breath some hurriedly of asked 1.
"Do not know."Company's diagram shakes head, " unless the main and endless abyss of absolute being state control in addition to me, who all don't know that war finally as a result, they arouse the location of war, the that time gets empty the deep place of turbulent flow.Probably is to make odds even, also probably is who slightly win a to raise, that already ascend the affair of 100,000,000,000 year agos.This matter, the absolute being state also has no how much self-discipline know, even if know to can't at will speak, either."
"H'm!"The summer speech nods.
"The summer talks, you after leaving endless abyss go to on guard mountain, pass investigating of on guard mountain, become a staff of on guard mountain."Company's diagram suddenly once turned a topic to say.
"What?Do I go to on guard mountain?"Summer's talking is got a fright, know, lately he the one who returned to be controled by the on guard mountain made track for to kill, but company's diagram made him go to on guard mountain after leaving endless abyss, didn't that walk into death?The sheep goes into dangerous spot but have to don't return?
"Company diagram elder generation, when I just got into an endless abyss, that on guard mountain controled a company concealed bastard and also sent the absolute being lord state self-discipline to make track for to kill me.Afterwards I the one who hide to is main strong over the absolute being that he sends make track for to kill, endless abyss after, that company is concealed but make moves to kill me in person!Thanks to an endless abyss to control to make moves to save me, I if go on guard mountain now, that company concealed affirmation will begin shot to kill me."The summer speech knits the brows to say.
Isn't that he would not like to go on guard mountain, but now real strenght shortage, went to on guard mountain and not just seek dead.Xia Men Yan feels that perhaps also endless abyss safety.
"You don't worry."Company's diagram smiled to smile to say, " the on guard mountain wasn't that company either concealed[one] person to say to calculate.The on guard mountain contains seven mountain peaks, each mountain peak contains a Feng lord.The Feng lord of the green sun Feng and the Feng of the huge Que Feng lord, are all very good with my relations.That company is concealed, can't openly make moves to you at the on guard mountain."
Smell speech, the summer talked to loosen tone in the heart.
"Company diagram elder generation, that at the beginning that company is concealed is how to frame up yours?"The summer talks and asks a way.
"This matter who come to words long, because I trusted him too much.He and I are originally the staff of all on guard mountain, the natural endowmentses are the all the highest, while I have been considering as as well he well brothers.But I first the one step step in mental concentration lord state and pass Feng lord the parliament decide to serve as the on guard mountain controls, acquire the on guard mountain controls working properly of tradition Luo quit.That company is concealed, also after I stepped in mental concentration lord state soon, stepped to in mental concentration lord state.He unites an elder, the Wu sinks me to secretly have association with the person of four areas.Afterwards they don't know where get a kind of soul deadly poison, I won soul deadly poison, simultaneously abscond to an endless abyss, part secretly the life person send out my family absolute being monster, I know he can't pass my family, while I arrived an endless abyss luckily the endless abyss controls make moves to rescue, otherwise probably dead in the company's concealed hand."
Company's diagram sinks into profound recollection.
Absolute being state self-discipline, don't must contact four areas, this rules that is the main on guard spirit of mountain state to certainly descend.The absolute being state self-discipline if see the self-discipline of four areas, have to kill in fighting on the spot.The absolute being state self-discipline cans not leave absolute being state to step into four areas, either.
"This company is concealed, really damn."The summer speech also takes a fury to say, " company the river elder generation must return to absolute being state, be been concealed by the company to know an identity, so the dead of the company river elder generation is definitely as concealed relevant as company."
"The company is concealed to want to be worked properly Luo to quit, unfortunately he all always has no to succeed."Company's diagram is cold to say with a smile, " your going to on guard mountain , before stepping in mental concentration lord state, don't expose to work properly the existence that Luo quits.That company is concealed, also by all means can't publicly you own Luo of work properly to quit."
"Why can't he speak?"The summer speech doubt asks a way.
"Because he doesn't dare and hum and have never worked properly Luo to quit, can not become on guard mountain to control.His company concealed now is an on guard mountain to control, affirmation is consociation that Tung morning elder, cheated Feng lord parliament."The company's diagram cold voice says, " once he publicly says to work properly Luo to quit on you, that he cheats Feng main parliament this matter will expose.When the time comes, he by all means will encounter scathing judgment."
"It Be getting more understand."The summer speech suddenly nods.
If so be, the summer talks to also a little bit trust.
"The summer talks, I of so make you go to on guard mountain, mainly hope that you step in mental concentration lord state soon.The on guard mountain is seven mountain peaks, all big chance and opportunity that steps in mental concentration lord state.On guard mountain, can the one who appear so much absolute being lord state self-discipline, relate to seven mountain peaks of the on guard mountain."The company's diagram dignified facial expression says to the speech in summer.
"You become on guard mountain the staff, then can get various resources that the on guard mountain provides, must make an effort to get the opportunity of getting into seven mountain peak self - disciplines."Company's diagram formally says.
"I knew that company diagram elder generation, I will make an effort to do."The summer talks to also heavily order.
"H'm, before you didn't have confidence, don't act rashly.On guard mountain that calls Dong Chen's elder, is very intimate with company's concealed relation, the real strenght is very strong."Company's diagram again gives repeated advice to the speech in summer to want careful that Tung morning elder.
"Is understand, before doing not have confidence, diligent of the self-discipline promote real strenght."The summer talks a positive color to nod to say.
"Remember, if then return to an endless abyss once having you the danger that can not reply,dr dre beats, look for an endless abyss to control a blessing of.The "company's diagram turns but says, " endless abyss controls adult, will definitely help yours!"
"I will coagulate own dint to you, after waiting you to step in mental concentration lord state, directly blend my dollar dint.When the time comes, you then can own and the real strenght of the company concealed war."Peep out to smile an idea on the company diagram face, seem to be an already press the wish for a long time be suddenly finished.
"Coagulate a dollar dint?"The summer speech knits the brows, " company diagram elder generation, isn't the dollar dint the life of the absolute being lord state self-discipline?You coagulate, that ……"
The summer talks the time in fairy bridge, hear that second stage fairy bridge 100 F in two self - disciplines one among those persons once said a dollar dint.Mentally dense ginseng fruit, woulding be can change into a dollar dint.
"Coagulate dollar dint, my nature also thoroughly nonexistent."Company's diagram says with a smile.
"That how can?"The summer speech hurriedly puts a hand.
This company's diagram unexpectedly wants to sacrifice oneself, help the speech in summer to step after the in mental concentration lord state real strenght to greatly increase.
"I have already come to a decision, the summer talks, and I don't want to bear this kind of again pain and sufferings.Even if I am deathless, sooner or later will also die in that soul deadly poison now.So, also rather coagulate dollar dint to help you now."Although the company diagram voice isn't heavy, but very firm.
"But ……" summer speech still wants to say again.
"Not be saying, I have already decided to do like this, the summer talks, and I will bless you!"Shang Tu finishes saying, the figure then disappears in the view that the underwater summer talks inside, the summer talks to hurriedly fish for consciousness but and cautiously searches, but a have no acquisition.
"Company diagram elder generation!"
"Last diagram elder generation ……"
The summer talks continuous appeal, no man should answer.
Probably led tea time, the summer speech sees one regiment aureate ball, send forth dazzling ray of light, slowly present from ten thousand dragon ponds, the facing summer speech flies since then.
" ……This be the dollar of the company diagram elder generation dint?"The summer speech looking at this dints.
This dint, flies into a summer to talk center of palm in, slowly flows.The summer speech can feel, this regiment gold color ball inside, contain endless strength.
The summer of"company diagram elder generation ……" talks to silently read, grieved feeling, talk a heart to spread in summer, although once sees a company diagram elder generation is one side, but the summer talk in the middle of the heart that kind of emotion, the touch is still very deep.
"The elder generation trusts, I will definitely revenge for you.Wait once having ability, I would be that company concealed die of time ."The summer talked black Long Tan Ju of layer after layer facing one Gong, air determination of face, after just lay up the dollar that company's diagram coagulates dint, dollar the dint put to go into to work properly Luo to quit inside.
Black Long Tan is the birthplace of four greatest absolute beings monster green dragon.
The summer speech lays up a company the dollar turned by diagram dint after, stop over not and more, turn round then a direction for coming facing to fly.
The summer talks really don't know, this endless abyss 18 F, is be not break open space with similar the front 17 F and then can go out.Even if can, summer's talking doesn't dare as well to directly break open space, this is the endless abyss to control the place that lives.If annoyed an endless abyss to control, it controled the endless abyss lose temper, that is far from good.
So, the summer speech still keeps intending to return to the place that that comes in and returns to an endless abyss from the original road 17 F to and then break open space to leave an endless abyss.
The speed that the summer talks is very quick, the road of 1,000,000 insides, needs several hundreds of breath time and would be 23 a long distances pass by.
"The endless abyss controls the real strenght of exactly have much strong?Can compare the lord of absolute being state?BE born in the cosmos the earliest monster clan, appear than the original person still want early!"The summer talks in-flight, also turn a mind naturally in the heart.
"Do not know as well, I am this whole life, the opportunity to have attains an endless abyss to control this real strenght."The summer talks tiny tinily shake head, sigh 1.
The dint of a rule, suddenly of the emergence talk front in summer, the summer speech hurriedly reduces slow speed and quickly stops down.Concentrating a to see is again the figure that the endless abyss controls.This controls adult, it is a nothing important shelf to pour, and this was already the third time that appears to talk in front in summer.
"How, walk?"Control the speech that the Lan eyes in Yueh-mei looking at a summer to ask a way.
"Control adult yes, I want to leave an endless abyss."The summer speech nods in response to the way.
"H'm, go to an endless abyss?Do you intend to hope to repay enemy for the company?"The Lan month corner of mouth closed lightly for a while and continued to open mouth to ask a way.
"Wait I to have enough real strenght, I will revenge for the company diagram elder generation, also for the sake of myself.Even if I don't seek him, that company is concealed, affirmation can't pass me."The summer talks vision one to say.
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