
beats dr dre troopses at this tim

~"The radicle boon was cold to hum a ly to turn head past, the radicle boon after shave a beard without penny thick mineral several pence are handsome!!
"Is old to ascend ……my growing don't imagine medium difficult see how you seem to be more happy than me?"I ask a way.
"Ha ha ha~~~~"Is old to ascend ha ha keep smiling haven't explained drive radicle boon the cold voice interrupted:"This guy is at the outside and the somebody else wager host have much ugly, a compensate ten~~~~Now he kill an ability not happy?"Listen to that tone radicle boon is also'be killed by'medium a.
Indeed as expected!!Is old to ascend to smile a way right away:"Ha ha~~~~The young man doesn't want to lose not to rise~~~~Poise!!Want to notice poise ……"
"Hum~~~~Lose not to rise?If you can lose again why the need for each time and after old gold wager finished all Qian table?"Radicle boon irony way.
"Pei~~~~Don't take me and that'old thousand'place on equal footing ……"be said win pain the place Be old to ascend to roar loud, spirit keep blowing beard ……
"Like ……do not fight!!"I greatly drink to interrupt quarreling of 2 people."Is old to ascend ……have I ever told you to open wager here?"
The chilly voice lets old ascend once the neck shrink and very carefully say:"Owner, we are just small wager Yu feeling just ……on the island not the sorrow eat also not worry to wear, there is more no store, gold coin to everyone however just ten surplus products, also became the Fa code of game naturally ……what stuff at the everyone of time beat hair to beat hair for time, use the host's a famous saying:The work doesn't forget amusement~~~!!"
"Amuse me not to blame you, but I don't hope you' amuse' arrive knife soldier mutually to of situation ……" I chilly way.
"That certainly …… that is certainly ……" is old to ascend to repeatedly order to say.
"Radicle boon …… because mercenary soldier regiment and company's alliance once developed quick, I all worry especially with thunder to will appear some black sheep of the families, so will come back the person of mercenary soldier regiment and company's alliance the military training but representative director is you according to the row, but you just of the performance make me disappoint too much ……" I am wrinkly eyebrows to see the radicle boon saying.
"Belong to next know that the offense invites host to punish severely ……" radicle boon list knee kneels down to admit, but reveals an excitement in his eyes at the same time, being a general his job and a fondness for is to lead troops to fight and train soldier to hear will soon large numbers of soldiers hand over to him'train'again where don't let him?
"Calculate ……just came back I didn't say a so disappointing matter as well, you got up ……do not say to have thing to show me?"The facial expression that my face winds up to stretch tight finally loosenned down.
"To, does Ba Bu still where wait~~~~"Admire boon to say.
"Does not that still lead the way?"I is still really expectation to that game where ……
"Is ……" admires boon to turn round to lead the way right away ……
"Host, that …… H'm …… train the personnel's business ……" radicle boon asks a way.
"Detail part you heel thunder especially the company measure ……"
"Is ……" should empress the radicle boon quickly ran up world, seem in this years much come is really give° him stuffy Be getting worse ……revenge of radicle boon like keep on losing existence of meaning, can like him now and then find out own target, but I am unique can make of be pray those personal members don't drive he to had fun to die just like ……
We walk fore noodles, after death a big cluster of person followed to vastly and mightily arrive at an athletic field, the athletic field is a building of Duo circular, Gao Er, 30 meters, all grow 500 meters, the seat has 20 rows to accept tenth, myriad people ……a eye go up to be like a football field more, is the turf-grass of the color in the field!!Is present to up have two troopses at this time,beats dr dre, most lead attention of is expect cloth and cloth to expect two monster person's brotherses and regardless is a height or strong actually and almost is that one is whichever top two is really unfair with person's game like this to the triple ……
"Ao~~~~"Expected cloth to roar loud a Zhao to run here, after being some kind of to look in all directions it Weng voice Weng spirit of ask a way:"Admire boon, and host?Where did the host go to?"Cloth Ba arrives at eldest brother at this time,beats by dre uk, the cloth expects introversive not too the love talk, also not that intelligent ……however seem to have no a bear person is intelligent, but it listens to its eldest brother Ba Bu's words very much and believes in a words forever in the heart, that be-the words of eldest brother are right forever!!
"Stupid bear!!I once said a lot of times, don't stand so Gao to talk with me!!"Say my right hand once the unreal flick, right away'be'of a , a fist of invisible hits at Ba Bu's bear head up.
"Oh~~~~"Expect cloth to bellow to embrace right away the head squats down in front of me under ……
"You you you ……is host?!"Expect cloth also as surprised as others of I, only one of its bear mouth lovely became an O form very much.
"How?I grow to return calculate to must rise everyone's son you are disappointed?"I pull it that very thick lips to say.Unexpectedly this guy squats down down to also have two meters to come to Gao!!
"Ah~~~~Ah~~~~Is the Alas! how can?The An has been thinking that the host grow that that ……feed!The cloth expects, that phrase how say to wear?"Expected cloth to forget a phrase to turn a head to ask brothers.
"Eldest brother, that calls to have a personality ……"
"Rightness!'Have a personality'!!The An has been thinking that the host grow'have a personality', but have never thought so of'have a personality'……"the way of the voice Weng spirit of Ba Bu Weng.Stir to win public support a person ha ha keep smiling.
"Stupid bear, 'have personality'mean difficult see of person ……it is can hardly for your host to see?"I appreciated it again a record to explode Li to scold a way.
"Ha ha~~~~"Expect cloth to silly smilely grasp a head.
"Host, your seeing this is an An of'huge bear brigade'quite good?But those are short what to pull a radicle not BE'strong person's brigade'……give a welcome party our Shi to want Ti for the host today they bare-headed ……"the employee who expect cloth to point its that brigade again Gao and strengthen say then again point the member of team of the other party to say.
But admire boon to then gather together my ear to say:"In fact expect cloth to be just in the second place, but' strong person's brigade' is a champion ……" although admire boon already own of voice press very lowly still give of'black bear'give listen to go to ……
"Ao~~~~"'Black bear'BE stimulated angry of roar loud.Returned to toward member of team to roar loud in his brigade:"You let An listen to ……we must win face son once and are blunt to spread they in host's in front today, blunt Kua ……do you have confidence?"
"Have~~~~"The member of team's place for a while be lifted to also roar loud.
"Hey ha~~~~Even Ba Bu also learned to stir up member of team and raised morale~~~~"Seeing of my astonishment is this act.
"Where?It that is the scholar house'strong person's brigade'of ……"admire the way of boon despise.
"'Strong person's brigade'?This leader of a group is who?Have such a strange name ……"I ask a way.
"Radicle boon ……" is old to ascend to interrupt a way,cheap dr dre beats.
"No wonder that ……" I ordered to nod to say, because I know if being the troops of radicle boon leadership what he stressed is more is a military tactics but isn't the strength for rushing and swerving about madly.
"Owner last honored guest the seat see a game …… relatively can see clearly there ……" is old to ascend to point at a presently the central part say along with the building Ge stretching out.
"Was old to ascend to say this what what'rob sheep'of is the game exactly what happened?"I ascended the attic pull Qiao son to sit together at a very luxurious comfortable chair up ask a way.
"The owner is such …… ' rob sheep' is put a goat inside the circle of being present a ground of middle, two squares are each to have 11 member of team, put the goat to the other party after robbing a goat of behind of that even if get penny, totally 21 goats finish robbing …… present inside sorcery any things can use, besides which, , the premise is to can not harm a person ……" is old to ascend full of beans explication of way.
"That if the sheep is tored in their hand how many?"I interrupt to ask a way.
"If the sheep is tored in the game several segments that judges held to lose a cent but looted at first got a goal …… so general they would suppress sheep tightly in the bosom can't let the other party run into sheep of ……" is old Related articles:

