
cheap beats by dre uit a flower to ask

Of opportunity the meeting arrive a day in advance.
Is far far while sending to He Jia her new house and then see that the orchid stand over there and nearby seems to be still to have two people.Zhu Si towards them to the lamp, orchid nearby of 2 people see have a car and come over, right away to the orchid said some what rubbish, walk.
Zhu Si stops the car to the orchid nearby, He Jia sees after getting off the orchid embraced oneself to unexpectedly cry.
"How, orchid?Was swollen those two people to just humiliate you?"
He Jia thoughts of just of situation, see the orchid embrace oneself to cry and ask a way.
"H'm, your wanting doesn't come back again me really don't know how to do?
555" the orchid weep over a way.
"I am also a to stay overnight here in the evening, don't know that the public order here is unexpectedly and thus and not and very.Walk, go up."He Jia Dao.
"I still send you up!"Zhu Si also knew to discover on the side what matter, he just knew to target those two people with the feeling again, discovered that they are scolding of, also knew at that time that the situation is probably.Just the orchid is a spoilt daughter of a rich family, again just from England come back in a little while, nothing important experience.If being He Jia's affirmation will good processing thus of matter of, Zhu Si wishes.
Orchid also see Zhu Si, listen to he speak so just lay up tears, follow to go upstairs together.In fact inside the building pour still quite good of, this is all the several-storied building that the government sets up, establish public security in the underneaths, and each one has to shoot to be like a head,cheap beats by dre, the public security can see each circumstance in his office.Certainly just hallway inside of.
Zhu Si is in the upstairs again sit a short while just come down.Two female kids at there favour in in addition to favour, he helps top again what favour, have to in a hurry leave.
After driving to go home, is outside in the room that arrives teacher first, "see"ing him hasn't taken a rest, Zhu Si just knocked to knock on door into.
"Teacher how hasn't taken a rest?"Zhu Si's its teachings.At ordinary times this time six visit should have already gone to bed to go to bed.He doesn't seem to be general sleep of old people few, but be like young man, sleep but can't rise early early every day, at least sleeping Tang Meng Mei woulded wake up while hasing to go to work.Be like haven't slept this time is hardly see, Zhu Si is having never discovered for about a months at least.
"Nothing important, you come back in etc..You came back now, I canned also have peace of mind to go to bed."Six visit a way.See Zhu Si, he/she came in and indeed as expected chased a television one pass, the quilt prepared on pulling to sleep.Zhu Si hasn't come out room, he unexpectedly sent out a very tiny Han voice.
Zhu Si is also to move, although teacher until now still can not recognize come from F is that he took big Tu son since the childhood, have already regarded as oneself his close relatives now to treat, oneself comes back in the evening of night 1:00, he is unexpectedly strong to endure not sleeping, stubbornly wait oneself to come back just sleep.
Zhu Si turns off the light in the room, lightly guard a gate to take good return to own room.
Chapter 213 Gui is airtight
" Orchid, you know that Tang the dream is beautiful is do what?"He Jia Ba's room finally set out good, heel the orchid be alongside of to lie on the bedside way.!
"Tang Meng Mei, which Tang are the dreams beautiful?" Orchid way.
"Is last time your birthday that day, with king greatly can together of the female kid, I still have with you the Zhi still chat goodly with her that!"He Jia Dao.
", Is her, I don't know!" Orchid think think just way.
"Do not you know?That should be the customer of the business of your father."
He Jia mumbling way.
"Is small good, what do you suddenly ask this to do?Did you have a part-time job to be a private detective now?" The orchid say with smile.
"Go to yours, I am just very curious about that king greatly can, I before and he was a colleague, but he doing don't arrived and then resigned for a month time, I still thought before he was just a very common mainland and even connected the ID cards here in Hong Kong all have no, but today he gave me one surprised."He Jia La pulls the quilt on the body and closes lightly a purse one's lips way.
"What accident?"The woman is naturally curious, say a little bit unpleasant to hearly be eight hang.
"I move house today, you also know that I didn't have opposite sex friend, I saw others also very honest before, today still especially the idea make a phone call to make him come over a help and have never thought he unexpectedly still drive new car come of, I see come out, he this car buys of not more than two months, although I don't know is be not his own, very obviously, he is very remarkable."He Jia Dao.
"This is very normal, you think, he since know that Tang the dream is beautiful, and still go to my house to attend party together with her, that explains their relation between this very not general, is just that he will drive, borrow°ing from Tang Meng Mei a car is an easy matter."
Orchid way.
"Just I feel he affirmative not general."He Jia is still a persistence way.
"Do not say him, still said my business, does He Jia give me give decision exactly how to should do?" Orchid way.
"That you said first, your home gives your introductive boyfriend is where sacred, unexpectedly frighten you be defeated and flee!"He Jia Jiao says with smile.
"Is alas, he may you also know, is two young master chapters of chapter surname group it's high handsome, although I return to Hong Kong have no much long-term, also usually see his romantic affair on the newspaper news, do you say that I dare to marry a person like this?I the second half generation son once returned however?" The orchid hate a way.
"Chapter high handsome this person once hears as well, is two a life time Zus of a typical model, don't know how your home is thought as well?"He Jia Dao.
Gao Jun Ren of this chapter is really very romantic, usually recruit a flower to ask for grass in the outside.
Just he is good at to set up for, that is a darling Zi of typical model in front of home or elder.Having a liking for to go to is also very handsome, once stayed to learn in the United States.The manner of speaking is polite, raise a civilization.Although outside and often have the breeze speech the breeze language, the person of his home all generally can't think letter.Think the doorstepping journalist just has no a matter to seek news.But have never thought calm where meeting rise wave.
Ever his heel a mold especially ascend, afterwards made the other people's belly greatly, the mold was especially two young daughters-in-law that wanted to do a chapter house.But the chapter is high handsome which dare and bring back the house to her, had better simply make her abortion, that female kid in a pet and unexpectedly mows a wrist suicide, luckily the salvage saved to come over in time, but her kid in the belly is really have no.
This matter makes the Fei Fei is satisfied, but the chapter house has no action and even also appears to clarify this matter and says to is that mold to want to play to depend on especially, the person of oneself's house sees not and up her but intentionally makes to be partial to arouse thus of action.From this chapter high handsome deceiving words have much severe.
"My home not just thinks of equal status, and the business enterprise of home wants to want to develop again and also needs their cooperations now.You also know a chapter surname group but do a building materials house,beats dr dre, but our house is to do real estate, have to even still request them very in many ways.My daddy also yes, I spoke with him, he simply doesn't believe and also want me to try a heel, he gets in touch with contact first." Orchid way.
"But you always hide is not a way either, I see you still must think an idea, otherwise you hide lead a beginning an is also hide however 15."He Jia Xiang think a way.
"I am to have no idea to just come to seek yours, originally I still wanted to go the Zhi is there, but once I made a phone call, she told me, my daddy has already come to grips to shout with dozen in her house, as long as once I appear at her house, her daddy will make a phone call to notify my home right away.So I also had to arrive you to come here.Luckily you just moved house, I wanted to live one here ten day, the half month saided again." The orchid say own viewpoint.
"See to your house stare at you are very tight, you also want to notice a point by yourself.Time that lives here as far as possible don't outside."He Jia Dao.
"Certainly.In the evening the business in the down stairs now my heart return jumping of plop plop badly, I which dare to literally go out?" The orchid clap oneself's chest hall way.
When two days He Jia went to work, just entered office someone came to seek her.He Jia Yi sees a bearer, in the mind Luo Mao for a while, wish, how quick their speed is!
"Ms. He BE?I think that you should also know my identity, I wife and children the elder sister had to once contact you yesterday, you knew she is where now?"
", Know.The orchid really called me yesterday, but I was busy, didn't speak a few lines and then hanged at that time, she the matter of Qian Yao?"He Jia Zhuang concern ground to ask a way.
"She is all right, just yesterday suddenly ran away, didn't also speak reason.
Ms. He, such as
Fruit I wife and children the elder sister contact you and please notify me right away, this is my telephone."Bearer way,beats by dre uk.
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