
google ao tea Piao the elde

Lead so much of is still the man of those odd jabses, is lacked by the Wu hand, they can pick the choice that the fatty Jian loses to work now.
Just Jin city the rich family have intention to see very much to the Kang Si, don't say the worker of their workshop was the Huo that waits upon them to account to also have no greater half without greater half, the domestic selling the body is also not intentional to work, all day think the Zhao joins the army and make many energies live to outward invite a person.
The threshold is stepped inside the even allied brigade department by the billionaires, old man colonel and the military officers all wear a woebegone expression.
Eldest brother lieutenant colonel a strike table:"Unexpectedly, have never thought, Kang Si this guy incredibly enlists so many soldiers a while, old two are you how to make?Not is say to have already told him not to exceed an allied brigade number?How to border on two soldiers who unite a brigade now?"
Old two saying of lieutenant colonel injusticeses:"I especially the idea once inquired, can you know how he said?He says to escort a brigade to only have 2,000 people, other 3,000 people are to assist a soldier, is also please to substitute an escort brigade the stem lives of short work!Don't escort the brigade soldier's quota on the whole!"
The eldest brother stares big eyes to roar a way:"What,cnn!Assist a soldier,google?Do live short work for escort brigade?Since is a short work, why make them purchase weapon for money?Why wear same clothes,Facebook, why there is monthly salary?And most important of BE, why want to carry on the Zhu row brawl training?This isn't the Yan ear thief bell be still what!"
Is old two don't utter a word.
Old 3 sighs a way:"Eldest brother, is angry to have now what use, that being from of guy makes him basic need not consider a regular matter, want how come how, blame me at the beginning so greatly draw up for him."
"I just don't care he leads troops how much!What I care is now Jin city without so many young fellows, how does this every trade keep on revolving!Have you already done not see those rich families all come to our this 裏 to cry about?"Eldest brother a wave hand to shout a way.
"What is concussion?"Drink the old man title of Zhao tea Piao the eldest brother is one eye.
The eldest brother immediately atrophies down, mumbling way:"Superior, we can support so long, in addition to top punctual military payroll, and the rise must depend these making a contribution to of rich families.And is the Jin city unsteady to also influence our to send punitive expedition a project."
"Did the wrath hurtle the emotion in sky to make you stupid?"The old man leisurely says:"The Jin city faces now of the difficulty is a that the supplies is needy and young fellow rarely seen BE?"
"Yes and in fact the young fellow is most important rarely seen, want ~only someone, supplies also can't too needy."Old man's favour nods to say.
"The Kang Si is since the main officer whom the Jin city escorts a brigade, so the Jin city appears a difficulty, he has responsibility solution, the supplies lacks, let him is a bodyguard protection the businessman go to save city to purchase, the young fellow is in need of and lets him catches to catch mountain bandit to be a slave."The old man describes with a delicate touch of say.
Present military officer to old man the grasp the mountain bandit is a slave of proposal, there is no oddness, what they care is an another matter:"Superior, the troops of Kang Si just the set set up for three days, does he have this ability to grasp to catch mountain bandit?And the background of Kang Si is deep, perhaps can't listens to make behaviour."
"It doesn't matter and release a regular order and ask him at the same time whether the fifth unites the military officer of brigade and also submitted from the order of the fifth allied brigade department and then go."The old man finishes saying and continues eyes of Mi Zhao to drink tea.
Eldest brother eyes a bright ask a way:"BE!However that Ao how to handle Ke Er?"
The old man doesn't utter a word.
But three old immediately say:"That guy tries very hard to fawn on Kang Si and see feel to dislike, absolutely can not make him enlarge a relation with Kang Si, directly orderany him to investigate a mountain wood village circumstance good."
Public one Leng:"This several 100 people run can't the mountain wood village meeting cause undesired agitation?"
Old 3 says:"We are to want to cause undesired agitation, this several 100 people are in that neighborhood sway leisurely, that up 1000 people's mountain bandit was vigilance in the beginning, camed down Hou for several days and then would be slacken and waited habit with the Hou, Ao Ke Er left, the mountain bandits also relaxed, are suiting us to incubate close to.
"And this several 100 people's trace can cover us, even if the mountain bandit discovered our traces, it was an Ao to will also misunderstand Ke Er that helps a person."
"Can't the mountain bandit meeting assault them?All of 300 among those people are new D, perhaps a raid can make them defeat and dispersed?"Old two saying of misgivingses.
Old 3:"The Hey isn't our person again, take care of them to die, and this be not can even let the mountain bandit think that we are namely one shot the discard of Kui, Be not worth their valuing?"
Hear this words, the military officers have no 1 to feel that Ke Er of sacrifice Ao all praises highly a way what's wrong:"To, by so doing, with at the time that us engaged, the mountain bandit would drop with the light heart, can let we a shot had a great achievement!The salary of small Zai sons raised again when the time comes!"
With the decision of the Zhao allied brigade department military officer, two little soldiers take to orderany a book into a long mansion of original county at the same time.
Get into front door, to the eye is an one utter darkness color, innumerable the positive hands of man in black dress hold a gun and carry on the action of Tu sting under the password of the military officer.
A little soldier immediately heads for a person the troops head stare at a few military officers that the troops act at the black dress, but moreover a place that then head for a field dime one in school blue.
Right, hearing oneself has to be responsible for unified clothing, Kang Si's wanting don't also think of chose black, the style is like to hunt a clothing of foppery, Be escort a brigade to take.But get the Ao of same treatment Ke Er, then chose a blue and a little bit was like the clothing of rich family domestic foppery, be city armed escort to take.
BE making the tailor and cloth store greatly earn a Hou for these two kinds of clothes purchases, also the cloth of Jin city a sweep but get empty.
Ao Ke Er Yi reads the order book that the little soldier passes over here, immediately silly eye, very in a short while just shocked rightness of the little soldierses say:"Is this what is the row?I these under charges are city armed escorts, why want to go out to patrol?"
The little soldier noodles has no facial expression ground to say:"Is sorry, I am just a little soldier, don't know the above decision, however up make me spread a words:You whether the fifth unites the military officer of brigade?Want to obey the order that the fifth unites a brigade?"Finish saying, salute, turn round to run.
"Adult took place what matter?"The row text and Anne reaches to depend to come over to ask a way.
"You see by yourselves."Ao Ke Er passes the order book past.
On seeing, Anne reaches the guy of this fierce personality to immediately roar a way:"Damn!This not is make us walk into death?They this helps guy ……"the words arrive this 裏 drive row text the Wu shut up.
The row text low voice drinks a way:"Bean-head!Public place under all what rubbish can say?The disrespect superior's criminal charges can pare your head!"
Drive loose open Anne of mouth to reach have a little startled, again have a little not the low voice of Fen say:"I am annoyed by them silly, we which 裏 gave offense to them?The new D that incredibly would not° until we take Zhao these enlist for three days, the city goes to what mountain does the wood village neighborhood patrol?Not is say those places that being all made by the mountain bandit is neglected?There is all no Jin city population, what Luo do we still cruise?"
"Adult, does this orderany you to answer?"The row text asks a way to Ke Er of Ao, Anne reached to just want to opened mouth and then was kicked one feet by the row text and waited for the Ao Ke Er's answer on mouth of shutting of darling.
Ao Ke Er sighs a way:"Is alas, that issued on order a soldier to spread a words and asked me whether the fifth allied brigade military officer, don't obey orders.Containing the idea is to say the disobedience order presses the soldier rules punishment.Since so, can I not answer?Unless I can abandon this personal status to live incognito."
Hear this words, row text and Anne's reaching all don't utter a word, very not easy this position for climbing to major, which ability how easily give up.
See the facial expression of coming to hand the bottom, Ao Ke Er suddenly says with smile:"In fact this is also a good opportunity to have a great achievement, our going out to patrol affirmation will meet mountain bandit of, as long as working well intelligence report preparation, on bed terms big mountain bandit contact, rely on me several close Weis, destroy tenth, 20 mountain bandits, isn't an easy to accomplish matter?
"And can also take advantage of an opportunity to temper through hardships these 300 new D, what train an all not equal to true war, the new D once seeing blood is very quick and then can become an old soldier."
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