
Monster Beats ore feel this leaf a

"Did your cellular phone pick up back?"Leaf Ping asks him.
Leaf's any Leng, ashamed.
The small Yang sighs.Throw own cellular phone to the leaf any:"Wait."
Have no a cellular phone for two minutes ring, leaf any the in the mind contain Kui at this time, the telephone answers secretively and talk is not pretty much either reason to keep spirit strong:"Feed?The senior clerk of the ink stone?My leaf any, invite you to have a meal in the evening."
"Task?The task is all right.Have a meal to narrate in detail in the evening."Leaf any says.
At this time leave supper for time also about, 2 people settled to meet an hour later.
"Chase five hairs all call up, strong strong threatening force."Leaf any issues order for small Yang.
"My cellular phone is on the your hand."The small Yang points ……
After an hour, a group of people appears at the restaurant of highest rank in a City.This place is what ink stone chooses.Is positive such as the Chou big wave talk, this person pays attention to ground towards eating being really, leaf any"literally of the place eat a point" that suggests be directly vetoed by the other party.
Big restaurant ground service quality nature has never got to say.In a group of people with eldest brother from reside of leaf any just registered, was immediately led by the attendant deep place the ground comfortable seats is toward the restaurant and came in a see.Ink stone's taking two under charges has been already arrived.
The everyone falls, ink stone dynasty attendant a put a hand:"Go, serving!"A see is a frequent clients.
The ink stone conjecturesed any this kind of people of a turn of leaf.Finally ask a way:"The section Er gives Mr. Di how?Have no what problem?"
"Is not that clear, however I send him up airplane.Want ~only that airplane the crash should be all right not."Leaf's any light tunnel closely notices the reaction of ink stone later on.
"Can I hear last night the meeting that he originally shoulded take part in he didn't be present."
", He directly returned to country."
The facial expression of ink stone's pouring is well, just the whole personal Jiang a short moment, just ask later on:"How to return to country?"
"Is too dangerous here, I make him return to country!"Leaf any says.
"He stills has a meeting in the evening!"
"The meeting also cans not compare with a life importance."
"Little leaf!"Ink stone language the center of gravity is long, " you this can not to.We are this line of can the experienced distance reminded client while being dangerous, but not ability from make the decision the route of travel that the piece changes client!It particularly is a so important matter.You do like this, later who also come to entrust us?"
Leaf any smiled to smile:"The senior clerk forgets.Two of us aren't a set."
The ink stone momentary language fills.A short moment asks behind:"That didn't meet all the way what bother?"
"Have no, successfully very,Monster Beats, at most is also a wolf to attend to of the guy of type cause disturbance for a while, that kind of bit part I three boxings two feet beat to deliver."Leaf any beard blows, but obviously the effect is obvious.The ink stone listenned to behind obvious air a change.Is the person of senior clerk class, the his ground real strenght was also equal to get.From the any last judgment in the breathing of the leaf whom he feels, know that his breathing level is very high.But ability three boxings two feet attend to wolf to beat hair, the Shu boundary loves again to blow of the person could not blow as well so the earth cow.The ink stone doesn't think letter, and then have to believe, after all the other party attends to in the wolf of make track for to kill under simply sent back client a country, changed oneself, really doing not know can attain.
Thought of this, the ink stone subconscious ground changed an attitude and no longer made the leaf regarding as"little leaf" any to treat and stare at it by on an equal footing the attitude of senior clerk's Class.
Leaf's any this vanity a be satisfied.Immediately the energetic and daring gets up.Point out river's mountain on the dining table, talk bottom to annoy hundred percent.
The ink stone one more keeps in mind, discover those five hair brotherses to leaf any is it may be said to finish to respect fully and respectfullly, completely trust.
Flank that girl also Xing Ye, the seeing to is that escape a ground of one person of being historic from Pan in leaf's house for the sake of this boy in the rumours.
There is a small Yang again, the ink stone nose is more slanting.This guy is clearly own under charge of oneself's team, look to seem now and leaf any more benignity some!
How many times corroborate down, ink stone get a conclusion:This leaf any isn't only in hand hard, obviously also have much of then a leadership can.Those five the under charge is a proof.In addition this boy also very someone space energy, there leaf Ping and small Yang this kind of irrelevant person also depended to arrive him nearby, this again is a proof.
The person like this can not despise and still hurriedly pull of good!The ink stone makes a decision, immediately again from decline a body.Make the leaf lifting senior clerk's Class any, press oneself downward a body, start attentive entertainment.The characteristics of full exertion oneself"love to eat", again to leaf any recommended several specialty here.
After being wined and dined to satiety, the shape of leaf any nouveau riche is picking teeth and asking ink stone:"The senior clerk of the ink stone, that ……call what come?That banker.He entrusts our expenseses this time, even if you set of, still calculate my ?"
"Certainly calculate yours, this debt I will row your debt of set up."
"Need not."Leaf any takes out a small note, " you row in this account number!"
The ink stone listenned to again is a surprised.The senior clerk of the delitescence set crow long time no see, hear is suffered from severely wounded can not director.Their vice- senior clerk of that set dies, crow severely wounded, these matters seem to is all occurrence at this leaf any after emitting a head, he is again the agency senior clerk of black set, complete a task and then can formally rise a senior clerk now, all these, should can't is all this guy at make ghost?
Can intelligence report set there again is a little information also have no.The ink stone more thinks to is more terrible and more wants to more feel this leaf any remarkable.Hear this guy heel SB, oneself was to feel so before, but several matters flee now together thin think of, feeling this root is in the camouflage.This is a very mean person!
See again one eye leaf any, positive Ti write the tooth spray person's natter of saliva and part.The ink stone even thinks a way and sees, the so trivial and unbearable shape is all individuals can't so, aren't these the camouflage and are what?The heart descends certain, again don't hesitate.Leaf any of the note connect to come over to say:"H'm, that does so!The later leaf senior clerk is and the rise to take care of."Leaf any is formally promoted by him for the senior clerk.
Leaf any nods:"Say so much to say so much."
Say the wreath attend to 1 turn on all sides:"How, all eat?Eat to withdraw so much!"
Together five hairs voice says like.
"That we took leave first."Leaf any says and takes several people to in advance leave.
Ink stone and two under charges start to see visitor out.Finished and return to sit in silence.
"Senior clerk, you how more and more polite to that boy?"A under charge very not Fen, any evening of this leaf sends to use overbearing domineering come to describe, this kind of behavior walks to where will make people despise.
"You don't understand.He that just packs out of, be for making people annoy him, despise him."The ink stone says that"1 canned once cheat Shu boundary owner.Let to once see his persons all calling that he is idiotic.Is this kind of person how can an idiocy?"
The under charge of ink stone obviously will contrary thinking:"Does not this explain this boy to is really an idiocy?"
"Is stupid!"The ink stone clapped his head slap."A idiocy asks for so many disasters, why haven't died?"
The under charge repeatedly nods suddenly.
At this time another skill next suddenly way:"Oh …… my belly have a little pain ……"
This talks a , the ink stone immediately also feels some not to, see a flank that under charge again, also wrinkled up eyebrow.
"It isn't good. Did this boy put poison in?"The ink stone is panic absolute being.
Just at this time.The ink stone cellular phone rings out, a connect is exactly leaf any:"Feed?The senior clerk of the ink stone, you how?Our a group of persons how finish eating all belly is painful!This restaurant doesn't go, not clean, next time didn't come, don't say or not, we went to the hospital."
The telephone hanged.The ink stone is already the cold sweat of a head of, this is what, is warn go to the hospital ……the meaning is to say to go to the hospital have we still been already saved?Thought of this to immediately start, receive two under charge ways:"It is quickly quick, go to the hospital."
At the moment leaf's any a group of people, each Wu wears belly to wildly trample big hair:"You smelly boy, what things drop into vegetables!?"
"I ain't intentional, not intentionally Related articles:

