
beats by dre australia Hand block day _584

Mount Thera ,venerable water supple and the island of Yunmeng iron Yonggang venerable led the army arrived ,to stabilize the scene .relationresultThen thetwo army everfount arrived ,originally have been reserved ,but at the moment is to each other .
relationresultEvenbefore the Celestial Star domain is the opening of a new channel battle was not so fierce, now both in the crazy ones ,endless ,who do not take a step back .relationresultAsthe battle commander in chief ,Gates did not just command ,from the beginning he took hundreds of battles great .
It is because they have the added hundreds of the great ,most days began to several Elite Corps will be destroyed in a short period of time ,until the Golden Mount ,~ Tie Yonggang led the army to Yunmeng Island ,it is temporarily stabilize the situation .
relationresultThe emperorwith the venerable combat damage has reached a degree of terror ,which is in heaven, earth is vast ,the sky ,for any other planet ,this battle under absolute has everything to nothing .
relationresultCelestialforces although the number than the army a lot more ,but the overall strength seemed to be roughly the same ,but the army at this time because already in heaven temporarily grounded stabilized, so now there can be everfount team arrived ,has no initial expeditionary combat anxiety .
relationresultKill ,to the glory of God ,and we will return to this world ,kill them ,take their wealth with magic ,everything here is our . , relationresultKill the devil bastards ,they will back to the underworld .
relationresultForour loved ones ,in order to protect our homes ,to big Yao Chun glory . , relationresultThe battleis more and more crazy, as both sides can continue to add ,because the space of the door opened suddenly triggered the battle ,has become a decisive battle .
relationresultOriginallyalways be roughly the same ,but when Gates ordered all the realms above the people together, like soldiers generally use the large array ,each team, hundreds of emperors ,in a great battle under the leadership ,the situation once again began to tilt .
relationresult... Detonation ! Suddenly two huge vibration ,a thousands of miles around the place were two dead peak venerable shaking direct fragmentation ,celestial space can be jarring fragmentation collapse a portion of this force has been ,quite scary ,not be involved the foot from heaven by tens of thousands of people .
relationresultFind ,find the door ,space ... ... At the same time ,in just the collapse of the space, has the great discovers the problem ,in which to find a different spatial power change .
relationresultThis isa space power, but constantly in change ,the emperor found only to force the locking .But the space is so powerful ,he alone can not control ,but he a shout, around a dozen Mundus have shot .
relationresultAlthoughGates has been involved in the fighting ,but after all he is a battlefield commander in the battlefield ,happened to hold is very clear ,found people found space gate immediately decisive ordered :relationresultTo open ,sending troops into Ying Shu falls inside all ,if in the short time and could not open ,destroy it .
, relationresultLargecan exist can control space ,rules ,once they left the world space vanishing point, it is not easy to open .I especially want to from inside world opens into the main world channel ,and even opened ,leading to where is unknown .
Gates is very clear ,if they enter the place is really seven ,treasure ,where the flow of time with the outside are different ,in this case ,it is not known how long past, ~ in if the Department is the peak of Thera, inside the treasure to help ,respect to day is also not impossible things .
relationresultGates isthe minority know some upper things one, he also received among the emperor personally orders ,if you can win ,that will delay time, the spirit of this principle ,he will let people and destroy the space point .
relationresultStop him . Almost at the same time, several directions ,iron Yonggang ,Qiu Gang their gods wish to convey this command will fling caution to the winds .relationresultAt the same time,spatial change suddenly several space gate is opened simultaneously ,inside there are height of indomitable spirit with the giants .
Achieve the venerable, imperial state of the people ,beats by dre australia,by heaven and earth ,changing from the heart ,the size of this ability are as nothing ,but they are not the kind of change in height ,was born so great .
They do not have any spells ,magical ,completely is the sheer violence ,even tyrannical power can play rules of distortion, ~ damage strength .relationresultIn theirstrong violence ,even general artifact will stop kick punch ,evil is most proud of the body in front of them is not so tough .
relationresultIn millions offeet high ,the giant type and strength are also one of the strongest giant Han ,exudes strong momentum, forehead. He has eight whirlpool in rotation .Each vortex have five lines of force ,to achieve a most wonderful state of equilibrium .
relationresultI am the strongest warrior tribe ,of steel ,in the big s life come to support against the heaven .Big ,make ,seven Mich. treasure within large gas reserves ,will produce new hills ,will affect the heaven ,the last battle victory ,cannot let the devil .
Steel is his name ,he is the supreme ,in the world of the protoss ,born the earliest presence of robust .relationresultHis name issteel ,ares is his honor and titles ,as the family of the strongest ,he and his family in the world has a right to use the name of the permanent war .
relationresultThe supreme ,God of war . In this ares steel after ,has been out of the thousands of giant issued a shout out in anger ,fighting more crazy .relationresultHiswords ring through the surrounding hundreds of millions of miles ,all war is to man to hear .
Even the most ordinary soldiers ,also had had glorious past ,now listen to the words of steel inside .relationresultTheworld they can understand ,as everyone knows ,the hills near large hills ,he is also the only can create ,modify their own people in the world .
The real world ,while the other ,with the emperor also can create the world ,but I can born oneself world race .No way will our forces to the foot feeling rules into Burgundy into his world within the rules ,they are at the extreme limits of steel fusion of the supreme ideal and rules ,was stronger in the presence of .
relationresultThe seven treasures inside ,and the birth of a new celestial hills ,we have a new birth of buddha . , relationresultBig hills ,he said ,to the hills ,ha ha ,the bastards ,you are dead .
, relationresultTo fight for fight heaven ,mich. ... ... Detonation ... ... , relationresultWhenthe Supreme Court of the steel case, after all ,hear ,like crazy .Has a large hills ,representing heaven will reproduce ancient event ,was originally the a group of imperial block at the periphery of the people have taken the most extreme way ,fling caution to the winds ,and even to explosion impact on the way .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultChapter 439th the ultimate battle , relationresultAs long as thehills, Mundus realm ,you can open up a world of their own ,the world is likely to have the sun and moon and stars ,all natural things ,but no life .
WWw .They will only let the creature inside, inside the proliferation of survival .Normally, only large hills, the emperor can really create a party world ,attached to the main world small world .
Because there will be born of their own life ,supreme ,infinitely large hills ,and he also inherited the ancient things ,even so ,he is in the world of all life is from the external transfer of past . Related articles:

