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The world, the best in all the land in the name celebrity .Can go to fairyland ,spirit mountain is the home of an affiliated .If not long ago Yero to the Pantheon reminded again ,maybe the Pantheon high have forgotten this Xi ǎ osect .
relationresultBut even ifleaves old reminders, spirit mountain could not immediately rise .This rise is not need others set off ,need is strong enough ,if the spirit mountain to a Fairy Statue ,so natural to flash ,otherwise the spirit mountain whatever they get care can only be a subsidiary .
relationresultSwordof light passing through the layers of clouds ,with many domineering appeared in the spirit mountain mountain ,spirit mountain disciple Ben is not much ,but it now be fully prepared to hundreds of people ,see so arrogant sword for the morning light still ten thousand immortals mountain disciples have looked up toward the sky .
relationresultSword of elders is pa !The only PA sword elders can do their swords ! The same is to repair the sword ,Bai Ming looked at the sky and galloped to the sword, he knows this is the highest state of being arrogant sword of swords .
relationresultBut thespirit mountain from arrogant sword will never have since had been training to their swords ,which is almost equivalent to the existence of myths and legends .relationresult.
.. ... Gold sword drop from the clouds ,s èch āonspirit mountain peak on spirit mountain ,all students can feel a thrill ,ears to hear the sound of the sword .relationresultAnd thissong is mixed with a sword of a revered sound came out : fuck !Sword man ,you dare to fly the stable point, so high quality how even the flight so badly ! , this sound when the spirit mountain disciples are terrified at the light from the sword go out of Xi ǎ o doll.
The doll too aggressive, dare to bully the Pantheon to elders who talks sword so the world absolutely not several ,and that Xi ǎ o dolllooks quality is not high ,how could it be so .
relationresultI have you taught ! , PA sword is very depressed, but he was not the same level as sb. With Xi ǎ oYue ,the Xi ǎ oYue future is to become the temple of God that protect hill to protect hill of God is really a statue of the patron saint ,PA sword feel guilty not to a few words with future God protect hill make too stiff .
relationresultDo you want me to teach you to think I was interested in ! , Xi ǎ oYue again white PA sword eye followed his gaze toward the surrounding looked a glance he immediately pointed to Bai Xiuming and Lu Xiu cried: white old opera ! , Xi ǎ oYue this sound of white old Bangzi directly to Bai Xiuming tears almost down .
From here to see Xi ǎ ofairyland now Yue ,white rot there is really a return to the true spirit return to the spirit mountain .relationresultWell, I sent to ,a few days later I to talk with you about this ! , PA sword identified Xi ǎ oYue who smiled more than swords ,and lost in the sky .
relationresultXiǎ oYue skipped to come to Bai Xiuming and Lu Xiu . The arms of white rot Ming : I know your Ni à o bedtwo brothers went to have a look a fairyland ,well ,I said I will soon come up now I came up .
relationresultYes,I Xi ǎ Obrother ! Xi ǎ oYue words let Bai Xiuming and Lu Xiu some feel shy .relationresultWhat is theNi à o bedtwo brothers ,beats by dre solo?This is how many years ago ?Xi ǎ oYue this fucking shameless should also show ,even the Ni à o bedis definitely more than you Xi ǎ okids better .
relationresultOuyang., white Xiuming heard Xi ǎ oYue mention Ouyang Yi time didn know how to answer .relationresultDisappeared,Ouyang has disappeared for fifty or sixty years ,this one is really a piece of information is not, even white Xiuming even Ouyang Shisheng is death can not determine .
relationresultFifty years agoOuyang buried information known to the world ,and now so long time in the past ,Ouyang is still alive ?If he were still alive he went to where? He will create new miracles ?relationresultHow?Ouyang Mei here ,that the sword why ask me is it right? Ouyang ! , Xi ǎ oYue surprised at the white Xiuming .
relationresultWhat., Lu Xiu aside and never open ,but heard that Xi ǎ oYue he finally could not resist .PA sword asked Xi ǎ oYue was a friend of Ouyang is it right? ?What does it mean? , relationresultXiǎ oYue looks at Lu Xiu ,he did not think so much Lu Xiu ,he said : I come the sword man asked me is it right? A friend of Ouyang I thought Ouyang was the more than 50 years in the fairyland has mixed the title ! Listen ,Xi ǎ oYue words ,white Xiuming and Lu Xiu two eyes suddenly a bright .
PA sword why will ask Xi ǎ oYue is it right? A friend of Ouyang ?Is it only cause more than fifty years ago regret ?This may ?relationresultOnceevery year many gifted street falls if it is to regret ,the creation that is everywhere .
While PA sword would ask Xi ǎ oYue is probably a reason ,and that reason is related with Ouyang .relationresultBut Ouyangin? , relationresultWhat the hell is going on? , Xi ǎ oYue looked at two people ,now he could not understand what was happening ,but in Xi ǎ oYue know about Ouyang, this guy is a miracle child ,now is to tell Xi ǎ oYue said Ouyang spoke into the realm of less than sixty years has become immortal statue Xi ǎ oYue guarantee not surprised .
relationresultOuyang.Ouyang. , Ouyang disappeared again ... ... , , Lu Xiu hold half finally tell Ouyang disappeared .relationresultGo ... ... Lou when much of something ,that Ouyang disappeared ,what a big surprise that Xi ǎ ostrange ,this monster routines in words ,cannot pass how long he will appear again ,then he will bring all new surprise ! Xi ǎ oYue was to believe in Ouyang, but in fact it is not just that Xi ǎ oYue ,almost Ouyang Meiyi friends all think so .
relationresultA blowto the average person may be defeated, but for Ouyang, every blow is a new rise ,and against bigger Ouyang grows faster . this is a encountered strong, strong man ,who never fallen man .
relationresultA black,face masks ,Ouyang stands in the dream bright room ,this dream chic room upside down three Jin Xian level immortal ,three people have been a fantastic method control ,although able to see but I can not be made ,the body can a little ,just like for slaughter lamb as the inability to .
relationresultThree ,sixty ! Said Ouyang ,three bottles of each bottle of twenty yuan Dan Dan y à o fromthe hand of Ouyang fly out, the same time the flame from the Ouyang body spewing out, the three doctor Jin Xianlian screaming to be issued was Ouyang take the life .
relationresultLoss of flame,three Jin Xian had gone ,Ouyang has also disappeared ,but table three bottles of sixty yuan Dan stay there .relationresultMeng Xi looked atthe table three bottle Peiyuan Dan ,her eyes have a few m íadream day ,don Ouyang played Dan y à onot to eat instead of phagocytosis of Jin xian !relationresultIs thatJin Xian power than Peiyuan Dan is strong ?relationresultYes!For others, the absorption of a golden fairy strength is less than one yuan Dan ,but said to Ouyang Lai, are not the same, a spirit immortal power absorbed can be a lot bigger than Peiyuan Dan ,and a golden fairy blood force can almost comparable to that of a weeping God Dan effect of the .
relationresultAs long as theJi ā oeasy to keep continue, Ouyang was able to stop the growth continues, even when the Ji ā owhich contains infinite y ī Nand some day in the future ,when Related articles:

