
beats by dre studio Ji head there is

The prince is an identity ,and do not represent the position he has much high .To high status .Must have enough strength to fight .relationresultIs the night.relationresultWhen the darknight falls when the whole community ,dark ,just point Golden Mountain Xuan Jincheng is bathed in a golden light .
The dazzle of Jincheng ,become a city without night .relationresultWhether theArctic Piaoxue city the dark night ,or the mirror light city to the light of day ,is to rely on Lingbao produced .
Dazzle to dazzle Dongji Jinshan Jincheng such a small place ,full of light .It is very simple .relationresultDazzleJincheng imperial .relationresultTonightthe hitherto unknown to lively ,the gold Guangyuan Dongji Kuhuang is held a meeting place ,and gold Guangyuan lively incomparable .
Here gathered more than one thousand people ,such as a mercury general transparent rectangular table one by one put with .relationresultEach rectangulartransparent table sat twelve .This table all have over a hundred pieces .
relationresultThe tablewell-proportioned .relationresultIn addition tothe rectangular transparent table ,and the transparent table .The small table just sit a person or two people .relationresultDongjiroyal couple sitting in golden court steps above ,point Royal couples face is a sideways to small transparent table .
Jin Jian flowers - god-king ,respectively in Dongji Kuhuang on both sides, two people also have a small transparent table .The small table ,placed a variety of delicacies .relationresultInthree the god-king .
relationresultIt is the fourmain hall ,LAN Xuan Dianzhu Qinyu ,black temple ,temple ,Lord at main crack Jun Temple main is divided into two rows and sit down .More convenient is the nine gods army captain .
relationresultAlsothese people alone small transparent table .As for other people ,beats by dre studio.Even the prince princess ,is also around that large transparent table .relationresultThedistribution of sitting alone .
Can reflect the divine hierarchy level system .relationresultIn fact, when the Royal ,also not much meaning . Qin Yu listened to the above in the following point Kuhuang Huangfu Royal to all words below ,not by heart secretly sigh .
relationresultHuangfu Yu speaksis not much, the Huangfu Yu speech just fell, the gold Guangyuan comes alive .relationresultLower levelofficers are almost the same status ,also are busy talking together ,drink to one with each other ,don stop drinking a toast .
While the Huangfu family children each other are bustling about their .relationresultPointSan Huang is God ,and Jin Jian flowers - talking, occasionally on the four main hall .Have a say .
relationresultQin Yuet al is mostly about each other ... ... , relationresultQinyu brother ,under Batu Dian main ancient Zang .You come to dazzle Jincheng days ,today I had a chance to talk with you the words .
Ha-ha. Sitting in the Qinyu side black Dian Lord smiled said glass .relationresultQin Yu alsotoast : ancient Zang Temple of lord .I was just entering the dazzle Jincheng ,many things still do not understand ,please also ancient Buddhism temple master multiple guidance .
, relationresultThisancient Zang, silver eyebrow silver baby face ,the people have a chill of the air .Just smile is amiable and easy of approach .The black temple and that barren Dianzhu ,are eligible old pole ,greatly two .
Not Qin Yu the new Jin temple can be compared to the main .relationresultHa ha ,Qinyu brother also do not have to worry about ,the four main hall of the nothing ,only have a war time, will be our turn to ,our turn to lead the army battle .
Black Temple main ancient Zang danxiao says , the world war .God can easily play master series .In general .We took enough . , relationresultQin Yu slightlynodded knowing .relationresultWhilethe opposite two Dianzhu -- ever Dianzhu ,cleft Jun Dianzhu have gone over .
At the main temple is a bald .Dressed all in white silk robe ,with a faint smile .relationresultYourhouse is the main crack ,crack in Jun ,such as the sea calm ,such as volcano as bossy gold short man .
relationresultThe templeat main bald man always smile : Qinyu brother ,in the temple at main Ji law saint ,you to dazzle Jincheng for so long and I didn your home visit .You don mind .
, relationresultThis is my house to see at you . Qin Yu immediately stood up .relationresultIs the firstmeeting with Qin Yu .I and Qin Yu have seen several times ,ha ha ,,the four of us don so distant ,sit down .
, relationresultHuangfusaid he sat cross-legged in Jun .relationresultThe four main hallmain gathered together ,each other talking together .Push cup change between lamp .The main temple ,temple at Batu main to warm up .
Don so strange .relationresultTalking aboutgeothermal alarm time, Huangfu cleft Jun suddenly is the sound of toast : Qinyu brother ,brother ,brother of old Ji ,to tell the truth .When the house of my lord .
Is actually stole your troops ,I am here today ,to be three ,I hope you don . , relationresultQin Yuis taken aback .relationresultGrab the power ?How is this going on ? Qin Yu totally confused .
relationresultSee Qin Yu expressions,master Ji law at Temple saint and Batu Dianzhu ancient Zang are known to Qinyu confusion ,Batu Dianzhu ancient Zang said with a smile : Jun crack .
Mainly because ... ... I point dazzles the Jinshan ,originally only LAN Xuan temple ,temple ,temple died at hall three .And then because crack Jun made large power ,while the original LAN Xuan Dian Lord still ,so they built a temple .
He is a crack Jun temple . , relationresultQin Yu learned thehistory ,but still not understand : army ?This how say ? , relationresultHuangfucracked Jun himself said: .I love the Jinshan God army is a total of nine Support Battalion ,ordinary time is composed of the captain ,but the real life war time ,is from the main belt .
In earlier time, only three halls ,three house owners are with their three gods brigade .And now established in Jun temple, I cracked Jun temple is commanding the three Angel brigade ,and the three of you is the only Basilica ,led two gods brigade .
I have been so ashamed ,really feel shy . , relationresultQin Yu came toknow .relationresultMasterWang level .Don men ,one is able to determine the outcome of the war god .While the general world war ,God would not act, is a temple of God at the lead army .
relationresultCrack Jun ,you don mind ,you when the house master .Initially I ,Ji head ,there is the old LAN each will a God brigade to you .This is the very early before decision ,to your kid to strength is very strong ,but also in the leading ,Ganpin dare .
Ancient Buddhism temple main desalination said with a smile .relationresultQin Yu fullyaware .relationresultYour brother crack ,it however trivial ,I to lead the army does not at all .
I am more interested in law ,also on the cultivation or mixing device has little interest ,other ... ... Qin Yu smiled and shook his head .relationresultThemain Ji law at Saint immediate xiaojinjin said: Qin Yu ,you don modest ,but in Yanwu field I saw you Zhenfa space .
The Zhenfa space powerful of the Department ,absolutely comparable - space .In the world the battlefield, have you in ... ... As long as the other side is not the god-king master ,that you will win the game .
, relationresultKing under the first person, it is not false . Huangfu also laughed and said in Jun .relationresultQin Yuself-deprecating smile .Suddenly, Qinyu think of a thing, immediately asked: your brother split ,either to LAN Xuan Dian master ? , relationresultOld LAN ? Ancient Zang ,Ji law St.
two at eye ,while low heave a sigh .relationresultHuangfucracked Jun face some sad sigh ,said : Liuqianwanyi years ago that a divine wars ,too harsh ... ... In that war ,can be opened to the largest World War, that a war, meteorite landing - more than ten .
The upper god .Death is too many to count . , relationresultQin Yuhearts horror .relationresultMeteoritelanding - more than ten ?The upper God too many to count ?relationresultAncientZang smiled and said: the Qin Yu brothers . Related articles:

