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Steal brothers upgrade weapons ,then go to the free port ,we don ,I others know this information to people is already started, we must start early .But before this ,do not know do not steal a brother can you let me have a look you a personal weapon attributes ?I promised to fight day guild ,never let second know .
Wolf suddenly made a rather unexpected proposal to Xiao hua .relationresultXiao Huahesitated slightly ,the legend of magic blade attribute display .Legend magic blade now attributes in addition to attack high point ,the first property under normal circumstances about his role and is not, even betrayed weapon attributes ,never caused a problem for him .
relationresultThe good weapon !The second seal attribute to relieve it, don brothers strength is indeed can further !In this case, we can help you a brother ! The wolf saw blade properties after the legend of magic ,not by is admiring sighed ,and said that Xiao Hua was more unexpected words !To help him ,how can I help? , relationresultAstretcher is confused !relationresultThey are ready ? The wolf then turned to look to the blowing in the wind .
relationresultReady ,waiting outside the city . Flying a nod of the head .relationresultDo not steal a brother please come with us . , relationresultXiao Hua listened totwo human dialogue ,heart faint a guess ,but this speculation is always too crazy ,he really can !relationresultButmore than 10 minutes later ,when Xiao Hua with his three men to the secluded forest outside, watching the densely packed together thousands of game player ,not by is speechless !relationresultDo not steal a brother ,the game player in reality most are familiar ,rank in class above, do not steal a brother need not polite ,even kill them !They are voluntary ,won hold a grudge .
Wolf smiled and said to Xiao Hua ,and to Xiao Hua offered a charge card !relationresultXiao Hua doesnknow how to express his feeling was good ,his grade has reached the stage ,that is to say ,the one thousand in the above the level of the game player ,are in the queue for him ,it !relationresultTheone thousand of them .
There are hundreds of priests game player ,Shaw Wharton is understood ,he killed a man ,the priest is responsible for the resurrection ,in the grandmaster resurrection ,death game player need only off gill experience .
Despite this ,Xiao Hua still felt extremely mysterious !This war is really sick days guilds ,ordinary guild guild president ,is absolutely not do such a crazy thing ,or risk a guild disbanded !And look at the following more than one thousand war days the game player but no one can .
Man a dissatisfied look ,as if really is such as the wolf said, is to be most willing to die !relationresult* * *,crazy crazy !This is the second seal legend magic blade lift can not be won by chance !Heart crazy sweat off ,but Xiao Hua will not let such a golden opportunity .
relationresultAnd thewolf is really to the task together ,was to make such a surprise ,he spent twenty million gold coins to buy a master recipe, he now had more than one thousand guild members .
Really ... ,Cheap Beats By Dre.The more crazy ,this guy could really be in vain !relationresultButat this time ,Xiao Hua last minute doubts are eliminated !Let more than one thousand above the level of the guild members out of a grade ,who could not take it !relationresultI have a charge card .
Xiao Hua rejected the application for wolf .Directly from the backpack a charge card ,hand ,use the card to the crowd ,strode past !relationresultCitycard effect is one hour to kill red ,Xiao Hua must now in one hour ,is also a strong export sec kill colt person-time ,average less than 3 seckill one !relationresultInXiao Hua speed and attack speed of seckill game player ,generally is not a problem, but now the game player elite ,Xiao Hua did not know whether to kill an hour to passengers, a bite, Xiao Hua using potential such as heavy rainfall !relationresultMore than one thousandgame player with stand together ,quietly in the wait for death ,the scene has not said the strange !The battle of day guild ,is really more and more terror !But Xiao Hua doesn think, in the face of stand together in these fights day guild members ,waved his hand ,legend magic blade toward their split in the past !relationresultThelegend of magic ,edge in the shining stars in the video for a piece of cold light silicon Yi attendant ,is a sharp wind up death white !relationresultMeleeattack group skills !relationresultThese arein wait for death ,just curious to see Xiao Hua ,look how he in one hour to kill more than one thousand people at the game player ,see Xiao Hua was a shot, killed more than 10 people ,not by are surprised !relationresultStanding in front of thewolf and flying in the wind ,but also showed unexpected look ,they thought ,the video of the Xiao Hua ,would be to use the means of assorted ,did not think of them ,let them surprise up again .
relationresultGet him ,maybe you are right . The wolf looked at Xiao Hua as a dangerous situation general attack fell on the crowd, the crowd followed by large tracts of down, a white light ,a bit with emotion said .
relationresultWhy not make all information to tell him ? But then ,one side of the wind is frowned ,listen to his words ,war day and information hiding didn .relationresultI back, he is a thief ,unlocking skills on this action may have unexpected effects ,I want to go to the other team .
Absolutely can not find a so strong ,it is our absolute superiority . Race day laugh .relationresultUnder the darkness,large tracts of dead white light in the dark sun city this quiet woods crazy shot up ,Xiao Hua just kept waving legend magic blade ,having a nothing against the holocaust !relationresultIn the darkness,in the distance ,but with an unknown Assassin game player ,shaking hands ,with a space phantom reel ,record the night happened !relationresultThe firstand more !Seeking monthly !Worship for the monthly !Today the explosive force of four ,brothers and sisters .
Also different work ticket ,please take ticket vote for clouds ,thank you !relationresultThe 344th chapter form transformation , relationresultFour Sencity famous war day guild people were lined up in a scare for clear ,this is absolutely shocking news ,the assassin didn was just a curiosity run over .
( www. 3 Zcn.com ) is seen in this absolute rare scenes ,the video to go up ,is popular !relationresultButthe assassin looking ahead to see face to the figure ,not by is a pity shook his head ,dark woods, visibility is very low in small he have absolutely no way to see the man who is ,war day guild people why would stand there in his murder .
The Assassin game player is very curious ,but not one step closer ,once found little against war days guilds ,later in the quiet sun city can not mix .relationresultFightday guild members together, such as in potential rainstorm condition, Xiao Hua Min killed more people ,is absolutely stunning massacre ,a priest .
Almost time to raise the dead game player .Fortunately, a minute later ,such as the potential storm entered the state of cooling ,Xiao Hua homicide rate suddenly reduced ,but often just two seconds to kill a person .
relationresultPotentialsuch as Storm cooldown is minutes ,according to this speed ,Xiao Hua just half time to make this more than one thousand people killed .But Xiao Hua also left the one ,in the next time .
Skills such as intentional Storm cooldown increased to six minutes ,so people even know he has potential as a rainstorm ,but the error in the cooling time ,once the enemy ,he can also account for some cheap .
relationresultWhitecontinued to fly flash .Nearly fifty minutes later ,a year many people fall time .Some people even fall down two times, Xiao Hua is finally received a system prompt !relationresultThe Related articles:

