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Time throughout the South territory of Wei River ,jittery waste flow .relationresultEarlyand get to the news of the emperor Wu Yunguo Tianxiong panic hurried away in the Qin government for help ,while the Qin government did not hesitate in respect to the door ,just respect the door that this one big business Dynasty invaded South barren soldiers are almost all Austrian rule above ,exit ,they gasped with shock at .
relationresultThe entire southernwild area, in addition to the Qin Xingzhan ,Luo Yuni and Jun proud days Qin family elders and inside-door dozen too long foreigners ,almost no one is the team with the enemy .
relationresultIn desperation,the elders inside-door which had in big business Dynasty army the only way which must be passed on to set a trap ,and the Qin Dynasty Xingzhan ,Luo Yuni Jun and proud day was responsible for the assassination of big business Dynasty military commander .
relationresultIn QinXingzhan ,Luo Yuni ,Jun Ao Yao and the elders inside-door too hard, otherwise five days can destroy the Wu Yun business empire forces just after ten day trek ,arrived in Yancheng city the following .
relationresultEvenso ,half a month of time in the past, Yancheng is also a stormy agitated ,not only your pride day in a number of big business Dynasty master siege and seriously injured ,is a congregation elders inside-door which are also heavy casualties ,temporarily between Yancheng Wanli :miserable and gloomy atmosphere ,everyone fell silent .
relationresultWhy ,why the big business Dynasty will suddenly on Wu Yunguo forces ,is the heaven to death I Wu Yunguo ? , relationresultWatching thewalls outside thousands of refugees are big business Dynasty soldiers killed one, Emperor Take Kumoto Tianxiong heart waves of convulsions ,he not by sound my way .
relationresultQinXingzhan Wenyan frowned ,he seemed to guess what is going on ,only in the matter has not been confirmed ,but he would not take the blame to Qin vertical-day head .relationresultInside-doorand Qin palace there were many discussions.
They also ,have speculated that big business Dynasty suddenly on Wu Yunguo sake ,after all the south wild within the boundaries of what should not ,and prosperity ,not big business Dynasty 1/10 .
Emperor Wu Yunguo, listen to me ,we are big business Dynasty, this time to the Yunguo ,main goal is to destroy the Qin family ,if you do not want the entire Wu Yunguo have all been implicated in words ,the best you take the initiative to the Qin to exterminate ,so we will immediately withdraw back .
On the walls there were many discussions. When the walls ,following a big black horse ,Tong Zhen shouted .relationresultIn theTong Zhen deliberate control ,this is a call coverage throughout the entire Yancheng ,and constantly moving in Yancheng spread around ,almost in a radius of ten miles of the people can hear the words .
relationresultHear theTong Zhen ,Tianxiong was changed, to his embarrassment, see Qin Xingzhan et al .,then hurried his apology ,said he absolutely no idea of qin .relationresultThe emperor into big business Dynasty generals ,this sentence is said to significantly challenge ,want to let the emperor Wu Yunguo and the people of the Qin Fu Yunguo hating ,think out the Qin Fu can get peace ,just big business Dynasty generals but ignore one thing ,that is the home of the Qin Dynasty in the role of Wu Yunguo ! Qin Xingzhan did not blame the Tianxiong ,but laughed out Tong Zhen sinister .
relationresultthanks to clean 369 and army blade two brothers playing rewards support ,tomorrow things may update ,will be late ,please forgive me . , relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 469th chapter heavy price , relationresultQin Xingzhanwords can be said to be very bossy ,is not a subject before the emperor ,including the only real ,all the people do not feel any weird .
.relationresultAlthoughWu Yunguo Emperor Wu Yun in domestic have rights in one ,and no one can ,it is limited to the secular world, for the friars ,they simply cannot put the secular power and wealth in the eyes ,and the Qin Dynasty Xingzhan as Austrian territory is strong ,barren austral first large family of the master of the house ,at the South barren pretty territory can be said to be supreme ,even days to be very careful ,careful see he is very .
relationresultSeeQin Xingzhan is not angry ,Tianxiong subconsciously relieved with great care ,he asked : Qin brother ,now the enemy approached the walls. Big business Dynasty ,what shall we do ? , relationresultAll right ,ship directly to the natural bridge ,we wait for a period of time have a look ,if the big business Dynasty it breached the wall of the word ,I exert pressure bottom of the trick ,the big business Dynasty troops to catch all in one draft ! Qin Xingzhan in the wall of a public business Dynasty Warriors who swept ,face flashed a determined look .
relationresultAll the time since,Qin Xingzhan didn play Malay method ,exposure he is Malay ,identity ,which led to his strength ,far in Mr. Tian ,in fact the Qin Xingzhan play Malay power words ,his strength comparable to half a step, God ,and if he could do foul FEL power ,big Shang Dynasty soldiers again ,only to die .
relationresultButQin Xingzhan absolutely will not ,dare not exposed Malay repair soil identity ,Malay friars in Wu Yun home is an absolute contraindication existed ,once he exposed the Malay identity ,not only in the south wild repairing soil unable to accept their own ,is the Wu Lingda land monk will after his Xingzhan ,Qin Qin and Qin days if not to be his complicity, and he was always well suppressed her not to ,cannot but when, he resolutely not exposing themselves to Malay repair earth .
relationresultHearQin Xingzhan and pressure bottom of the trick did not play ,and the walls they were relieved ,Jun Tian and iron and other went to with Qin Tianzong. The ruins of ancient people who know what is going on ,they face from his worried look .
relationresult,I yesterday is to the family for help, I think family reinforcements should soon arrived in Yancheng . Jun Tian to discourage road .relationresultJunTian mouth family is proud day family ,dr dre beats,because of you proud day body armour and try to do ,don fall instead increases ,make you proud day in Tian family status increased, and proud day family and Yancheng Qin also formed a defensive alliance ,share a lot of practice resources .
relationresultAotianfamily strength while not foot from big business Dynasty comparable, but also was the biggest one of the central shrine forces ,if Pride Day family to sally forth in full strength to destroy it ,outside of Yancheng, these big business Dynasty soldiers without any problems .
relationresultBig business Dynasty since going to exterminate the Qin ,they will naturally take pride day family count ,estimate the marvel family were intercepted on the road . Qin Xingzhan shook his head ,said before .
relationresultJunTian Wenyan was changed, followed him Yufuhe vibration ,he hurried out to look, and then face the shame and look .relationresultforetell like a prophet ,big business Dynasty uncle Shang Yi family with God in the family the only way which must be passed on the ambush reinforcements ,once he was wounded several people ,family ,now fully God Yi family to forced faceless .
In Qin Xingzhan watched, Jun Tian anger way .relationresultWu Yunguo emperor ,you better listen to me ,I can only give you half incense incense time ,half time you don answer ,I will put outside the walls of these refugees killed ,then breached the wall ,Yancheng bloodbath ! Qin Xingzhan just wanted to comfort Jun Tian A ,the wall came the Tong Zhen arrogant voice ,see the wall above all do not respond to their long ,Tong Zhen has lost patience ,started on Tianxiong under ultimatum .
relationresultBloodbath in Yancheng ,with you these ants also match ? Tong Zhen the words just off ,a voice will disdain on his head ring .relationresultSuddenlyheard someone speak in his head ,Tong Zhen heart big be astonished ,he looked up ,is a golden eagle circled in big business empire forces over * * days ,because of the relationship ,Tong Zhen was not aware of the golden eagle is when to fly to their top . Related articles:

