
dr dre beats rushing wei O

Words ,bumps will not see father ,never to miss . Sword five toot crying .relationresultHow big a person ,you still cry ,cry ? At one time , take you out again after that to me ? , relationresult,father ! Sword five live tears ,relate in detail ,not to add oil add cool themselves into the black sea with island encountered Xiao cold after give chapter and verse for said out of .
relationresultThe three two Kung Fu beat the dark tower and his two honors ,and a knife ,a more than 1000 tons of steel ship to a longitudinal split in half ? After listening to half-believe in fire demons ,asked .
relationresultPimple seen, or false ? , relationresultyour mistress ,not just this person ? , relationresultYes ,he wants to see you ,I give you issued the emergency contact information ,did not think you did come .
Sword five .relationresultYou send me the contact information ? By a fire ,some displeasure .relationresultYes ,my master said ,he can cure the disease miss ,so bumps without the emergency contact information ! Sword five explained .
relationresultHe heals pop disease ? Their sound fire suddenly high three points ,not excited .But deep suspicion .relationresultYes ,that ,say ,to believe or not to believe in you ,dr dre beats,after the village when the shop .
Sword five .relationresultHe really can cure the disease of dance ? Bumps on its own is not lying ,is this world really anyone can heal pop disease ,can pop disease without the Tongmai wash pith Dan to heal .
Is he able to refine this Tongmai wash pith Dan is not !relationresultLess likely,these can refine Tongmai wash pith Dan people is only the alchemical family only too elders Dan Zhong Xu ,besides ,it is also not one of the more than eight products Dan division ,alchemical family maximum is fret .
relationresultKnot in the mind ,you ,these except a pill can heal small dance ,other are not, the pill prescription have already been lost ,how he can heal ? Fire flatly .relationresultBut the master with certainty ,not lying .
Sword five .relationresultJust a few days ,you will be him .He is just want to use me ,you had better leave him ,or else will come to no good end ! Time said .relationresultHumph ,ignorance ,the hermit is more superior ,you say it is only a way to heal your sister ,if I said no ? A voice in the ear rings of fire said of a great teacher !relationresultWho is who you are ,Ma is not coming out into the open, kind door generation ! To fire !After a good dish .
relationresultFollow your baby son to come to see me ,he knew where I was ! , relationresultWho the hell are you? , relationresultSee ,you know . Sound at all ,never heard .relationresultFather ,you how it is ? , relationresultPimple ,just you don any sound ? A s to the fire .
relationresultNo, I saw you dance with joy father ,mouth open ,what to say I did not hear a word ! Sword five vacant tract .relationresultfix ! Their forehead with a layer of fire Hanze tract .
relationresultSound transmissioninto the dense it is not difficult ,as long as can reach the holy order of quality ,basically anyone could do it ,but his voice can be completely shielded in an isolated space, so that outsiders cannot hear my voice ,this is not the ordinary people can do ,especially by very long distance !relationresultIntime their memory, space wizard has the ability ,can open a ,space channel transmits sound ,can avoid others knowledge of God was not found .
relationresultYou know,whether the sound into the dense ,or divine consciousness communications ,has a slight fluctuation of energy, while others may rob could not hear ,but at least let people find you in private conversations ,and this kind of method ,is not to be found ,not used .
Can be used key moments ,but mostly !relationresultBut most peoplecan this magic skills !relationresultAre the other sideis a space magic ?relationresultSpace magicianhas thousands of years no powerful figures emerge ,is this a naive to change ?relationresultOnceShenmodazhan is said to be a space magic disaster ,because of a space magic invented space gate magic ,the magician was a mythical space sector two joint .
At that time ,space wizard is try by hook to look for sth. without the door, killed tens of thousands of people, even the space magic youth ,children are not let go ,then is the destruction of all kinds of space magic books ,and even spread to other magical books ,making a large number of magic books lost, many forbidden spell magic into a lost art !relationresultXiaoHan certainly not space magic ,but in practice the saphenous veins ,found this a very practical skills ,so it used out ,the distance is not too far ,nature is less of a problem .
relationresultYin and Yangrepresents time ,five lines represent space, Xiao Han practice five saphenous veins ,the spatial ability naturally one one being developed, though he doesn .relationresultStreeta group of blood rushing wei .
Over forty or fifty people from door to door ,begin the search for the murderer ,at the moment, both sides of the street people general turmoil up ,except for some forces ,who dare not write random moving, the common people have let them catch the street !relationresultThrough thewindow seam saw this scene ,suddenly let Xiao Han reminiscent of the ferocious Island ,when they invaded his homeland ,with these pants do is run in the same groove guard !relationresultThefangs and finally his brutal nature ,such people can not stay !relationresultYou these untouchables ,listen to me .
The new governor orders, who harbored before governor loyalists and the same crime ,chopped !If a whistleblower active ,reward ,failure ,sit ,chopped !Shield ,sit ,chopped ! , relationresultRiding on ahorse on a blood guard captain ,at the moment he is enormously proud of one ,feel oneself highly flattered ,overlooking the stood in front of him a large group of people, as if this is a flock of lambs to the slaughter !relationresultYou better listen to me ,who can say just kill my eleven brothers killers fled to where, these coins is his ? A bloody clothes from the saddle by Wei took a bag inside ,grabbed the golden coins ,the clatter of falling back ,said in a loud voice .
relationresultNo oneopening ,thousands of people in perfect silence !relationresultno one said, is it right? ? Blood guard captain grimly .relationresultCaptain ,these people know the murderer ,but doesn ,they all like it.
Visible shield people ,as, next to a bloodthirsty eyes exposed blood guard .relationresultSo many people ,if the governor goes down ? , relationresultCaptain ,but here thousands of head , relationresultWell, well ,listen to you, the untouchables are not cooperative ,that is their own ! Greed is covered in his mind that only a conscience .
relationresultKill ! , relationresultBloodguard in order for captain .Pull out just cleaned the butcher to kill barehanded blood of innocent civilians .relationresultIt was theirpeople under his jurisdiction ,it is their own rule ,even didn ,killed over .
relationresultThesepants, who can not stay, Xiao Han also think things over, incorporate blood Wei, it seems that these people are not people ,if you stay ,sooner or later is evil !relationresultXiaoHu, Related articles:

