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The Can will dig a pit on the road.
Is too deceitful!Is too malicious Be getting hotter!
"Step degree root, Zhang Xiu waits you many.Immediately surrender, originally Rao you are deathless."The right side of officer's way suddenly kills a group of battalionses again, approximately 10,000 soldiers.
"Are you Zhang Xiu?Is a north ground gun king."
The step degree root knows that the piece embroiders and peep out on the face frightened of color, unexpectedly He He well-known gun Wang Zhang embroidered to kill out, is really unlucky to come home.
If it had been known that, should not come out.
"Step degree root, huge virtuous here.Immediately surrender, otherwise give no quarter."
Proper step degree root heart descend compunctious of time, the left side of officer's way kills 10,000 soldiers again.Is huge virtuous to get Wang Can's order to ambush down with Zhang Xiu, etc. step the degree root lead of ride the soldier attackstones Wang Can, take soldier decoration pit, keep a degree root from taking riding a soldier to escape to return to, rupture a way out of degree root.
The step degree root looking at huge virtuous, mumbling say:"Is huge virtuous, isn't this Ma Shi's old minister?Also appear."
'Ma Shi'what to point is Ma Teng Yi, Ma Teng gains considerable fame west cool, at fresh vulgar also have small reputation.Huge virtuous Be Ma Teng entrusts most of great commander, is also have certain reputation.The step degree root looking at the Shu soldier of or so both sides, and then sees the pit of at present square innumerable and turned head Chou again eye smoke and dust covers with of rear, see numerous Shu soldiers dashing since then, and still have Wang Can of fierce cruelty.
Can not escape, really is can not escape.
Step degree root heart such as dead ash, know is necessarily hurt beyond doubt.
"Big king surrenders."
A fresh vulgar soldier arrives at a degree root body side, the low voice says.
The step degree root smells speech, bad mercilessly stared soldier of one eye, on the face but peep out a hesitant color, a short moment says behind:"Good pair of issues order to surrender!"He really lift don't rise to resist of courage, don't know how to resist a Shu soldier.
Escape, affirmation cans not escape!
Beat, affirm a dozen not to win!
Put together dead holdout, after being killed, his money and women all became vegetable the benefit and Ke compare ability of, this root would not like to accept.The only way only surrenders and temporarily return an agreeable Shu country emperor.The step degree root bites, lets go of weapon and roars loud a way:"The Shu country emperor his majesty, I wish to decline, I would like to surrender."
"The Mao is!The Mao is!"
The fresh vulgar soldier of innumerable also follows to let go of weapon to surrender and rides the soldiers right away to all turn over a body to dismount and no longer resists.
Is absolutely a bad luck today day unexpectedly will meet a so unlucky affair to them.Wang Can takes soldier to come forward and saw the step that the eye kneel on the ground degree root, and then swept the soldier of eye innumerable, the order takes:"Accept to pay weapon, accept again to pay to fight a horse, see all fresh vulgar soldiers escorting."
Being huge virtuous immediately keeps on carrying out after musting make.
Zhang Xiu walks to the side of Wang Can Shen and sinks a voice to say:"His majesty, the end will think to should immediately send to scold Hou and intercept vegetable benefit and Ke to compare the scout that can send in case they get news."
Wang Can's point nods, order way:" Receive, send a person to stop vegetable benefit and Ke to compare an ability of scold Hou."
Lyu Meng's embracing a boxing shoulded descend and turned round to execute an order.

Volume 16 contends for the world chapter 1268 intimidation step degree root
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-5-221:22:19 chapter word numbers:3050

This service belligerence is fresh vulgar to ride the soldier's loss to reach to 8,000 more people, the soldier who get hurt is more countless.
The loss of the Shu soldier is a little bit pure to come down, the near myriad people gets hurt.
These people, all is just the beginning was shot wound by the bow and arrow, and drive fresh vulgar rode a soldier make track for kill cause.Comparing to say is killed of soldier but isn't too many, after all weigh to ride soldier and heavy infantry to quickly kill out to intercept fresh vulgar ride a soldier, hold up fresh vulgar ride the situation that the soldier assaults.
The battalion temporarily stops bottom, have never continued to walk faster.
The step degree root kneels at Wang Can front of,google, seem to be extremely civility, feared to infuriate Wang can but be killed.
Particularly BE, the Wei postpones, huge virtuous, the station of Zhang Xiu et al beside cast covetous eyes on of stare at a step degree root, deeply project the look in the eyes of hungry wolf sort in the eye, very anxious to livinged step degree root to swallow, conceded one degree root more to feel be afraid.Step degree root already didn't the fresh vulgar big king's carriage, the proud color on the face disappears almost exhausted, what to replace is the cheek of tiny pallor.
Lookinging at of his imprecation Wang Can, the look in the eyes is absentminded, air Tan Te.
Wang Can doesn't talk, the step degree root worries more.
"His majesty, the minister has words to say."
Proper time of embarrassed atmosphere, Guo Jia talked and still took light smiling face on the face.The step degree root sees someone break at present logjam on his/her own initiative, appreciate of saw eye Guo Jia.He sees Guo Jia wear a smile, and then grow beautiful and slender cultured, think that Guo Jia isn't malicious hot generation, thinking of naturally Guo Jia may be ask for a favor for him, was full of a hope in the heart.
Wang Can but notice the color of Guo Jia Yan's cajolery, ask a way:"Receive a filial piety, there are words keeping saying, need not have scruples about."
Step degree root on listenning to, is also an exultation.
Wang Can talks like this and at will, the at present youth is to the point to certainly have a very high position at Wang Can Xin.If the at present youth say feeling for him, isn't better?
Furthermore, the step degree root thoughts of oneself has already chosen to surrender, can't have other affairs.
"His majesty, the minister pleases put~to death to kill a degree root, follow bad examples by Jing."
Guo Jia Wei squints Jing, still keeps lightly smiling an idea on the face, but concedes one degree root body one Jiang and all over feels chill.
He is tiny to open a mouth, the smiling face on the face hasn't spread.This a moment, the step degree root is like Duo hell, the felling skies all soon fell down.The hope is more big, disappointment more big, it words weight that is the person whom Wang Can entrusts to is a particularly at present youth, say more heavy, to Wang Can's influence is also larger.
If Wang Can agree, his small life is about to can not guarantee.
Step degree root the hand and foot is ice-cold, anxiously hope Wang Can, imprecation Wang Can forgives him.
Wang Can's openings says:"The words that receive a filial piety, I think ……"
If the step degree root see a circumstance not to, immediately interrupted Wang Can and say:"Emperor his majesty, step degree root the wish decline, would like to surrender!Want ~only the emperor his majesty Rao step the degree root is one life, the step degree root would like to return agreeable emperor his majesty, would like to offer up beauty, money, even is to bend the head to concede defeat to the emperor his majesty, ask emperor his majesty to grand pardon."
Step the degree root Be frightened to be killed, a nasal discharge a tears of kowtow to beg for mercy.
The battalion doesn't have Anne's camp firm Zhai, just the not in power outside stop for rest, Wang Can also just sit on a piece of rock.The step degree root is knelt Wang Can Shen before, the forehead all of the underneaths are pebbles, makes an effort of the Ke bottom goes, the 32 times broke skin for the Ke.Forehead upper-class blood, dye red forehead, even be stained with grounds in fine threads blood stain.
"Is alas!!"
Wang Can sighed tone and said:"See you so sincerely, I ……"
If the step degree root hear Wang Can opening mouth, for the greatly elated, also regardless of of the wound on the forehead, again Ke a few .He think to protect life good, but he just happy of time, the flank spread force again will of voice.
The person, who talks, is Zhang Xiu, sees Zhang Xiu's air cold Jun and embrace a boxing way:"His majesty, the fresh vulgar person burns to kill to plunder, does every evils and brings huge Shanghai to the common people of wild goose door county.If don't kill a fresh vulgar person, certanly will let prestige of his majesty be subjected to influence, let the common people can not be dead set of follow his majesty, the end will think only kill step degree root, just can make the common people vent wrath."
The step degree root sees toward Wang Can and see Wang Can some ideas and move, the facial expression in a twinkling becomes deadly pale.
Close sweat bead since the forehead came out, on the spine also whole Be getting wetter.
The proper step degree root feels the time of helpless disappointment, huge virtuous stood out again, embraced a boxing to say:"His majesty, the end will realize sex of grasping of fresh vulgar person, they are promise and then deny, and having no the faith can talk.You now Rao step degree root, necessarily keep a tiger to bring trouble, the some other day treads one degree root to also lead a soldier to go down south.His majesty please think thrice!"
"Emperor his majesty, I can't, can't of."
The step degree root repeatedly puts a hand, hope Wang Can Rao one life.
The so-called blessing is matchless to go to a disaster to not only go, the step at the moment the degree root has a felling like this.He just just opened mouth, and then had a personal station to come out, this Human body material tall and big in stature Gao Da Dun was like an iron pagoda to stand by the side of Wang Can Shen.The Wei that is this person to would be Dian, he embraces a boxing way:"His majesty, the end will think Mr. Guo

