
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM id Pin She ever and

The party feather of prime minister changes sides in war mutually to, more than 40 officials jointly reveal its criminal acts and tidy up 30 religions to present to the emperor."
I ha ha smile a , "only two years, really well quick."Remember when I leave a Qi country, is still a Du house to cover up tracks in the imperial government, the Qi blessed to use what method, unexpectedly did the ability thus and amazingly fast solve this great trouble?
"Discard behind on that day, he again the volume signed an empress."His orotund,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, " Su's empress."
Su's empress?My breath Zhi Zhi, smiled later on, "volume the empress is a good matter ……is a good matter."
"Still keep canning not let go?"
I lightly shake head, "just feel, ridiculous."BE who say am once uprooting a Du house to sign me empress?Just, just, these have been of no account and why the need for dispute again.Everybody has the choice the right for loving by himself/herself, I can not ask a person to put heart on me forever, isn't too selfish so?Is much less him is still an emperor.Ever since I decide to leave a Qi country for that day since have been already decided to let go of feelings that I bless with Qi, be not?These matter I am again why the need for deeply concerned at heart.Is as early as from escape in the imperial palace have already let go of this to love behind, be not?All passed by for two years, the feeling blessing to the Qi shoulded also let go of ……
Return to absolute being, lightly let go of the beads in the hand, from soft mat up start, feeling the legs is a bit numb and weak, the head is also murky.My heart also gradually loosens, the heart is like clear mirror, easily on smiling, unfolded stiff body.Hope the color of the sky of outside again, already near son.Originally want to return to bedchamber rest, but listen to the orchid orchid shouting low 1:"Snowing!"
On hearing "snow", I thought of back yard affirmation is ten thousand plums to together put and accompany with to order the view of some snowflake to certainly move people's heart.Don't can overcome the impulse in the heart, the favour rushed backward a window and pushed away that red sandalwood window for closing tightly, a cool spirit lingers around a nose and scans widely to hope plum a wood and there is snowflake hits to reply, but Chen get the plum flower is more beautiful.
Once the looks turn, but hope see a clothes weak but isolated snow sea Lin Zhong, quiet quiet looking at my man, my Jiang is at first.
Snow overalies him full whole body, wear so littlely, on this severely cold snow night, isn't he cold?
Suddenly return to absolute being, I jump window but and dash away into plum wood, stop a step in front of him, the ground of Zheng Zheng hopes him way:"You ……how come?"
He air transformation, the face of the vicissitudes of life up eventually is to peep out smiling face, "suddenly think of, today, is the day of your day and hour of birth.Is unbearable, I want to come to see, you live well ……"
The day of day and hour of birth, these four words will I thoroughly the earthquake live.I just remember say with him in the prime minister mansion since many year agos of a fun words:"The La month plum flower's blooming at present the first snow is the day of my day and hour of birth".I didn't thought of, such a fun words he unexpectedly bears firmly in mind in the heart and has never forgotten.
"Since came, why not went in?"
He way:"If we meeteach other, mother the empress blame on you again ……can far and far follow you closely in fact, good."
I noiselessly smiled and had tears along cheeks but slide, the snowflake falls thick and fasts to spread on us.
He sees I smile and cry of, immediately panic hand and foot, "Fu friendship, you if don't like, I hereafter don't come any further."
My laughter diverted and rushed toward into his bosom and tightly embraced he is that ice-cold body, tears more cannot stop the Qing spread that weak dress Jin at him on.This loves, how can I be ungrateful to?
That in the days to come, very valuable hold my hand together goes to a queen mother palace with me, the noodles being queen mother lets she relief ground to make, pretty much pre-eminent in speaking.The queen mother looking at him so seriously firm, then noded She that to ground to make.But I know, her disaffection to me is in addition deep 1 F, she definitely affirms that I am a coquette, cast a glamour her son.
Henceforth, I truely became a very valuable Chen imperial concubine and truely spoiled after the hat a temple, but I never particularly building, it is a gentleman to realize particularly building the king greatly hate, much less, I am the body of barren.
He accompanies me to criticize a poem painting to the Yi everyday and chat him with my Chang the grand high ambition of that unification river's mountain.In front of me, he the slightest has never concealed ground to reveal his greed, I am always wearing a smile but listen to him quietly together enjoy his greed with me.
I have already experienced so many frustrated unexpected obstacleses, I am getting more tired, and I also want to seek a shoulder makes me depend on.Probably, I can nearby look for to own bay and look for to own marriage at this emperor king.
I lean on by the side of the window and hope plum Lin Jian's fragrant snow sea to gradually float to fly and scattered 1 ground, have in my heart very thick lose, did this plum flower want to deteriorate and disperse?Winter, lead be able to really quick.
Suddenly hear plum Lin Jian spread the voice of unclear mirth, such as the spring Chan Chan sort pleasing moving, I dynasty plum Lin Shen Chu hope.One white one blue figure just and slowly moves and seems to sink to immerse in the fun of appreciating the plum, "orchid orchid, who are they ?"
The orchid orchid explores a head dynasty Lin Jian hope to go, a long time she just takes back view, "return to lord son, those are orchid Pin and Jin Pin."
I order, "how many pins does the emperor have?"
She bye bye finger, "have now four, orchid Pin and Jin Pin, Yuan Pin and joss-stick Pin.In four pins, emperor the only love leads of also only have orchid Pin.She ever and together we are similar to is a small maid-in-waiting, but she very understood to accept a Yan joys color and flattered to take to permit, queen mother the empress coaxed one Leng one Leng of, at that moment and then accepted her as adopted daughter, again let emperor Na she.Thus, the orchid Pin is one dynasty in power, Guan achievement the Shi spoil and come to rely on in normal times queen mother for loving deeply her, extremely self-conceited, don't even put empress empresses in the eye."
The You grass envies ground to say:"In fact, so many in the last years emperors always with worry national affairs for lend but rarely near sex.But the slave knows, the emperor's in the mind only has a lord son, so keep at a respectful distance to the sex."
I turn Mou to hope plum Lin Jian to talk that orchid Pin and the figure of Jin Pin that smile are gradually clear, say with smile:"Is in fact very valuable he need not ……" my voice suddenly live, hope see the positive Dian feet of their 2 people fold a plum, I immediately hurtled to go out.
Their 2 people held to just fold the next plum to hope my disease to tread a dynasty in the hand they but go, immediately the blessing body saluted, "the minister Qie paid respects to ……"
"You unexpectedly dare fold plum at the my Zhao sun temple."I cold voice interrupt them of salute of speech, walk into their in front the plum on the its hand a Duo lead.
The Jin Pin immediately lowers the head, the ground of Qie Qie says:"The empress stops anger."
Orchid Pin then on changing, the facial expression's tone isn't very good, "Chen imperial concubine why much ado about nothing, only a plum is just."
"Only a plum?The plum is the thing of high Jie, vulgar any of can the person besmirch?Is much less, this Zhao sun each plum inside the temple is the thing of this temple heart love, you fold plum be make wrong, know perfectly well wrong unexpectedly don't know to repent as well, openly against this temple, can know a high and low cent?"
"Hey, the Chen imperial concubine says return is really a truth readily, the orchid son really doesn't know where to be getting wronger.Is also good like this, we go to queen mother the empress is there done by her old man's house how is an arbitration?"
I see her[one] arrogant appearance feel funny, "orchid Pin you the temple exert a person to all know after the relationship with the queen mother empress', do you want this temple to seek queen mother with you to review a reason?"
Her smile an idea Be getting larger, "since the Chen imperial concubine knows ……"
If I right away cut her, "can that ask orchid Pin and this temple to seek an emperor to review a reason?"
Her rosy face because of my words suddenly on changing, Ao however it smile a change for coolly, "you are a woman with unidentified identity, dare also bumbledom, does the temple turn over cloud to reply rain after thinking could control?Even if the Chen imperial concubine spoils after the hat a temple again how, also will depend to flatter means to seduce an emperor.The doter that is got with means by beautiful looks do you think to last long ……"
Don't wait she to finish saying words, the my Yang hand was malicious to give her an of palm, the clear and crisp palm voice resounds cold take out an one breath in the secluded plum wood, You grass and orchid orchid.
I am cold inclined her one eye, say with smile:"If say that the identity isn't clear, isn't your identity of orchid Pin more lowly?"
Stay fresh and red five fingers to print on the face of orchid Pin, she that lips that chatter without stopping Be tiny to open, the ground of Zheng Zheng hopes me.
I am very quick in the business of plum dram wood Pin and then spread to a queen mother ear in, she goes to a queen mother palace with orchid Pin Zhao I.On going into a big palace, I then feel that this is pretty like 3 to conduct trial jointly, the queen mother head Yong permits but sits, assistant empress, Wen Wan Chao, Be thin to smile, two sides sit three beautiful women respectively.

