
monster beats ting to check Hong

. relationresultBut this oneactual strength is very strong .Qin Yu didn use the soul ,in the north of complete convergence of any breath ,he completely by ear feel any sound .relationresultTimegoes by so ,Qinyu mind there is always the danger feeling ,he was so motionless in rock under .
At this time we need patience .relationresult...... , relationresultRedblood in his room .relationresultCheckflood disc knee sits in judgment ,a monster force constant wear dust prohibition ,black jade box surface shine more and more light ,flood light glowing eyes look ,at the trace of blood red ,apparently at the moment to check flood in extreme excitement .
relationresultWave ! , relationresultAvery light sound ,but to check it is tantamount to thunder thunder flood ,flood check all is a shock ,instantly picked up evil force .Check flood sparkle like substance completely into the black jade box .
relationresultFinally succeeded ! Check flood shaking hands opened the black jade box .relationresultThisblack jade box open and have no skills ,and after he is lying open inside one three inches of jade ,the jade sword Tongti crystal clear, in the ancient seal on the eight .
In the jade sword above has a jade Jane ,check flood directly took his jade Jane ,soul out of rotation even face burst of ecstasy .relationresultHa ha ,really ,really like the same legend ,named Sally house ,leaving the house fairy ah ,this is the eighth jade sword .
, relationresultCheckflood all excited .relationresultNo matter who,when he has spent one hundred years time ,constantly consumed energy and wear the dust prohibition .Daily ,after a hundred years had just successfully .
Who are not excited? Not to mention the jade sword also lets check flood dream has a possibility .relationresultEven though Yu Jianitself ,the check flood would have enough precious .
Because this jade sword is best for spirit .relationresultThe besthope for Penglai immortal region ,Ziyan FEL ,Dragon Palace ,temple ,nine brake water house so the five major forces, although it is precious ,but also not .
But to check flood ,is the top baby .Check flood their spirit is also superior spirit device .relationresult! , relationresultAsa ring, a figure appeared in the chamber ,chamber of secrets to him, there is no role in defense .
Human is a big man, who has a purple outfit ,this profusely stared at the check flood ,some are smiling eyes .relationresultCheckflood suddenly look to the purple man, suddenly changed colour .
relationresultDi pupil ! , relationresultCha Hong sawthe nine brake Dian old suddenly face clouded mind ,while also slightly panicked ,nine brake temple each other is not the same skills ,including boss Dillon is strongest, and the pupil can absolutely ,finished third in nine brothers .
relationresultCheck flood ,spent years helping me nine brake house broke the black jade box prohibition ,I want to thank you . He smiled his pupil , ,yes, you don want your Dharma ,that they will be killed, and secondly ,I just down time in rock surrounding cloth of prohibition .
, relationresultCheckflood instant calm down ,said: eight Royal Highness ,I checked flood ask get nine one, absolutely no living person to know ,how do you know ? , relationresultDipupil laughs: no living person to know ,but are you kill people don record ? Hearing this check flood can not help but smile ,he also think of those who may record, so that all things were destroyed .
relationresultButthose who record certain things on the side, ?Be destroyed ,it is not the human can achieve .relationresultWell ,you reach the hole ,pupil ,said virtual medium ,it seems that I lost you ! Check flood surface so weak ,but a drop of fresh blood into the moment in a moment the jade sword ,check flood has blood to God ,the best spirit ,check flood at least strength increase a lot .
relationresultDipupil now this scene ,don worry .The mouth has a disdain .relationresultBut this time,in the chamber of secrets ,is someone standing in the dark corner quietly steal listen .
It is qinyu .relationresultThepupil s ,layout ,only covered the whole rockery, however ,did not think of the rockery pupil under long before someone quietly hidden in the ground .Qin Yu heard that the door was blown off ,waiting quietly at a trailing heel come in .
relationresultSet of fifth red blood bloody chapter thirty-first underground caves , relationresultRedblood cave in northern area of rockery covers an area of maximum ,and beneath its underground chamber but is well-proportioned ,one after another, like a maze ,the overall pattern of length and width at least km .
relationresultQin Yuback close to a corner .relationresultBlack jade box ,monster beats,one of the nine ?Eight Royal Highness ,di pupil ? Qin Yu heard the internal check Hong said ,heart also understand probably .
relationresultApparentlyblack jade box is difficult to open ,check the Hong took hundreds of years had just opened ,and black jade box is a master of .Now the nine brake Temple eight highness is to seize the flag in the sword .
relationresultZha Hong he spent hundred years time to open the black jade box ,and always with great care ,to finally make the nine brake the eight royal highness to personally capture .
Qin Yu felt his heart slightly accelerated ,even the nine brake house are so tight ,that is how the treasures ?relationresultQin Yuis completely in it ,diabolism cheats in the North is to let Qin Yu not out breath .
relationresultCan see with eyes ,check flood and di pupil are cave virtual period master ,and gifted ,I if they look ,estimation will get their attention . By now ,Qinyu will not allow themselves a mistake .
relationresultQin Yuclung to the wall ,all doctrine is gathered in the ear ,now can only rely on the ears hear two people talking to judge the internal situation .relationresultThe chamber of secrets.
relationresultFree from arrogance and impetuosity,pupil ,no worry ,it is free at the check flood .In his serious flood ,check there is no resistance force ,as long as he moves ,that capture an enemy easily ,even if the check flood and identify the main drop of blood collecting the jade sword ,no worry ,pupil .
relationresultThe jade sword into the body ,ready ? Di pupil teasing smile looking at the check flood ,although the momentum is not strong, but I have a feeling have full assurance of success .
relationresultIn the face ofDi pupil ,identify the main drop of blood collecting the jade sword hung without fear .relationresultDi pupil ,my younger brother is killed by you ? Check flood inquired .
relationresultWitha smile and a nod .relationresultWhy ,my younger brother, but the transfer medium ,for you have no threat ,why did you kill my brother ? Check flood face became a bit ugly ,but di pupil cold laugh up .
relationresultHa ha ,a brotherhood .Ha-ha. It is I laughed my head off . Di pupil crazy laughter with disdain .relationresultThen,di pupil at check flood cold channel : you don pretend a brotherhood appearance ,now you just identify the main drop of blood collecting the jade sword ,however, you do not own the true fire refining ,you will now that jade sword in vivo with demon soul fire refining .
, relationresult,you here and talk to me ,just stalling for time ,so jade sword refining even more easy to control . Di pupil will suddenly see the check flood purpose .relationresultCheckflood face is constant ,did not deny that there was no recognition .
relationresult,I can wait for you . Di pupil hands in the chest, chin up, cold as a check flood .He was waiting to check Hong refinery jade sword ,for a battle ,the di pupil is 100 percent confident .
relationresultOntology,purple dragon course than the red blood Python very strong .relationresultDiscussion onskill ,hole virtual medium ,pupil is to exceed imaginary early check flood hole . Related articles:

