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The back forward flight .In a way of lupin constantly and the old monk in conversation ,finally understand that if Congress is going on .relationresultTheShushan swords send in the fairy is said to be a super big school, and because of this Shushan sword school claimed to be taught me the orthodox saint ,so also have great appeal to fairyland ,some immortal sword and Shushan are sent with contacts, while Shushan sword sends and Western Buddhism have more exchanges, makes the fairyland fairyland in the land forces greatly ,is not to be able to compare with the school .
relationresultOnlythe fairy endless ,various school nature is beyond count ,in order to show the Shushan sword school status ,the Shushan sword school is held every fifty years if Congress ,GF invitation to major sects ,invited to fairyland major school together in Shushan sword sends Assembly held him ,then in love meeting comparing a ,have a look who are much stronger .
Of course ,in addition to door-to-door ,Sanxian also can participate in ,but is reached above the black immortal immortal immortal talent are eligible to participate in this conference .
relationresultAnd thatif Congress an additional aim was to choose a leader, and then by the leader led to destroy demons ridge the monster .The monster is extremely ferocious monster ,often mutilating practitioners ,so every time I after Congress, each faction is in the leader and Demons ridge started World War II, of course ,every champion is Shushan sword school ,but each time with the demons of wars ,but also not able to completely destroy the demons ridge .
relationresultFromold Taoist immortal Congress got on this news ,Lu Ping their hearts are some understanding ,they didn Shushan sword pie was in heaven there is such a large force ,it seems they want in Shushan sword school idea is to put down .
But this immortal assembly sounds a bit mean, go to have a look is good .relationresultButthey worry that Excalibur can recognize them ,so that they would be too bad ,then further ventured out ,is not good .
On second thought ,the sword soul soul is still really master the hand of Kong Yu ,presumably Excalibur doesn want to die ,not be confused ,and they follow the old monk to go together, but also can some cover .
relationresultWith theold monk back forward flight ,Shushan sword school sites in the rolling hills of millions ,a seat next to a block ,each of which is full of vitality and five lines ,and in these hills are also has a strong smell ,it should be Shushan sword school the disciples ,but these Shushan sword school student is not out to stop lupin them, allowing them to fly Shushan sword school peak .
relationresultAlong the wayencounter immortal is also more and more, not just a few Sanxian ,there is a martial art is flying toward the front ,some immortals know each other is a warm greeting, then go .
And let Lu Ping they somewhat surprisingly in the immortals had a monster family ,a need who are able to see the monster group ,but no one to intercept ,does this immortal assembly further allows the demon tribe attend ?relationresultLu Ping wasasked about the old monk only after that ,the original evil spirit race in heaven is not subjected to discrimination ,unlike in the sector ,and is considered to be the demon away ,in the open ,Yaozu and Terran immortal is equal ,even in the palace of heaven is also has a lot of demon the immortal existence .
relationresultThisis a demon family practice are generally need sun moon star power ,basically won make mutilating fellow things ,only that the ridge of the monster will make the mutilating fellow things ,so whether evil spirit race or Terran fairy are all have the same enemy and hatred ,common to pay those monster demons ridge .
relationresultListen tothe old monk ,Lu did they understand the reason ,this is they let Lu Ping come to the general interest is even greater ,with the old monk back ,slowly toward Shushan sword school peak .
relationresultThe 446th chapter yangmingliwan ( a ) , relationresultLu Pingsome of them with old Taoist behind the forward flight ,the appearance is like old monk disciples ,and along the way also has some old Taoist immortal and say hello ,see Lu Ping et al is ignored ,is toward Shushan sword school peak fly, and Lu Ping they are filled with old Taoist priests .
Disciple ,with rules to follow the old monk in forward flight .relationresultHeavenShushan sword school peak is a towering and played a huge mountain ,far from looking like a sword .But in this school in Shushan sword peak contains shares the huge energy ,even in the very far place all can feel the cupola of the day ,let a person feel the endless coercion ,heart surrender mood .
relationresultThe closer to theShushan sword school peak is able to feel that a huge towering Jian-qi ,and there are more and more strong and five rows of vitality ,the Shushan sword school place is a really blessed spot ,is a good place to practice .
Lu Ping with the old Taoist behind, carefully looked at the surrounding circumstances .relationresultFinallyis to see Shushan sword school peak shape ,and let Lu Ping in their heart greatly shocked .
The Shushan swords send peak look far and no ,just like a towering up sword ,and distribute the endless coercion ,however came to him is found in the tall hills is inserted with a sword .
relationresultEverysword is the excellent quality of the sword ,as the plug filled the whole mountain peaks, dense ,count ,this picture is really a very spectacular .Look at that put a sword on light up ,the whole mountain is authentic Baoguang gorgeous ,watching people intoxicated .
No wonder this mountain has a cupola Jian-qi ,originally with the countless Feijian ,Lu Ping et al the hearts can not help but for the Shushan sword sends rich feel shocked .relationresultSwordis not so well refining ,light is difficult to gather material .
While in the mountains is inserted full sword ,the mountains are covered up ,how much of the material can be produced so many Feijian ah ,however Shushan sword school was such a big ,do such things, just this, it illustrates the Shushan sword school strength .
relationresultAlthough theheart shakes ,but lupin some of them is not shown ,is still quiet and old Taoist behind, toward the Shushan sword school peak peak .Shushan sword school students are in the surrounding mountain cultivation ,and the peak there is inserted full sword ,is the Shushan sword school place ,when the general is not allowed to come to the disciples ,but this time ,if Congress is different, still need to have some disciples to entertain guests .
relationresultShushan swordschool peak peak is extremely broad ,covering an area of great ,this is for the immortal Assembly prepares ,Shushan sword school founder long eyebrow ancestor is also here in practice, so to come to this peak peak for Shushan sword school students it is a great honor ,and Lu Ping in their here it is met an acquaintance .
relationresultLu Pingwith the old Taoist back towards Shushan sword school peak fly, old monk is a Sanxian ,but it looks is quite good, where to go are people with old monk greeting, whether other Sanxian or other sects ,and in the old monk with lupin they fly the summit of the time ,is also a Shushan sword sends students to entertain the old monk ,and this is Lu Ping their acquaintances ,sector Shushan sword school head of Excalibur sub ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.
relationresultExcalibursince rising to heaven after is looking for Shushan sword school in heaven is located, was finally let him find ,and enter heaven Shushan sword school ,Kami Ko because Related articles:

