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Get enough of the spirit to the Eucharist ,the two is to hone his .relationresultElders.This report does not know how to speak ,he was suspicious of the way he will now exit burial ground condition of said it would be a slap shot dead .
relationresultEh? How the mutter and mumble ?Does Kang infants have difficulties ?Also ,the young people should do more exercise ,if not experienced little difficulty not everything is going smoothly .
Zheng Feng does not think Zheng Kanghui is in danger ,make fun of ,more than 40 of the team, in the burial ground is hitherto unknown ,and that more than 40 people are carefully chosen ,forty against fifty and sixty are not .
relationresultThe elders ,recent burial ground is a problem ... ... Report on the man thought for a long time ,eventually decided to open .relationresultSaid ! Zheng Feng had experienced numerous strong wind and big waves ,for him, not of past problems ,so even a problem he would accept .
relationresultThey reach the mountains suddenly recently Boneyard, a road to sweep away, Mayama Soicheckkon forty the illusionist team completely destroyed ,whirling places were all beheaded .
They then entered the recently emerging as a mountain, the first cut Temple twenty-five demon warrior ,to break the Nine Emperor Xuanzong and spirit days in the United team ,a way to carry the world before one irresistible ! Report said ,Zheng Feng had stood up from the chair .
relationresultHe couldnthe news !Spirit mountain road sweeping the burial ground ?Phantom Shinshu forty magic division ?Shady places out? There are also destroyed the temple ?The most unbelievable was the Nine Emperor Xuanzong and spirit days were united team went ?relationresultZheng Fengstared at the report of humanity: you know what are you saying ? , relationresultElders.
This ... ... , relationresultThe news come from ? Zheng Feng looked at the man scared look ,he knew that this man did not dare lie to yourself .relationresultZheng kang brother through a jade amulet came news ,there should be no wrong .
.. ... He dare not breathe atmospheric replied .relationresultSpirit mountain has the number people? Zheng Feng is not a bit of nonsense, he knew ,sweep is not impossible ,if the centuriate ,sweep is absolutely no problem !relationresultI donknow.
, relationresultI donknow. Zheng Feng heard of this is not known, he was crazy !A road to sweep away, even to each other how many people do not know ,is that this into the burial ground is an idiot ?relationresultZheng kang brother did not write the number .
.. ... And the panic channel .relationresultWell, I know ,you tell Kang infants ,if the number is too much ,the decisive withdrawal ! Zheng Feng is also a decisive person ,is not a burial ground ?Spirit mountain if it want to sweep the centuriate organisation ,they are sheltering edge there is no mistake .
relationresultDisciple resigned ... ... And as if granted amnesty ,hastened to retire .And the man left, Zheng Feng again sitting in the rocking chair ,then his eyes closed ,and no one knows his heart is how to think .
relationresultAroad across the mountains burial ground !The news did not for a few days on the spread of the eight sects and twelve shrines ,even a myriad of sizes sectarian also got the news .
relationresultInitially it wasjust put this news as a joke ,but with more and more news ,death phantom Zhenzong ,cut the whirling shrine ,Temple of the nine sweep ,Xuanzong and spirit days in the United team and the group inactivated both news also reported .
relationresultThereal world which focus on the Boneyard, millions of people in the speculation ,this time he actually sent like what teams into one ?This road sweep past are mission destroy ,various mission destroy !relationresultBut enough ofthem ,even the spirit mountain are now lost .
Wan Xianshan said they did not know has sent such strong team into the burial ground .relationresultIfnot from zone three to learn that the spirit mountain not everyone into the burial ground of the words ,then the spirit mountain people could be really think so .
relationresultBut the news isalso bring the good and bad, because as the news spread to more and more crazy ,burial sites seem to be holy ,the other three people also begin to break into the burial ground wants to have a look how crazy spirit mountain .
relationresultButwhen they enter the real burial ground later encountered other forces elite team ,they realized ,so huge gap .There are often Siwushijiu order primary and secondary originally belonged to the test team into the Boneyard, meet other forces the twenty or even fifteen people group ,is the group inactivated .
relationresultAs more and more of theteam mission destroy ,all understand ,burial ground is not so good entry !It is not their first into a polar environment just to test people to contact ,it is bet on who is killed ,red eyes ,seized whatever you beg for mercy is the ultimate mission destroy !relationresultIn five days,only five days ,buried at the entrance will have hundreds of thousands of people dying ,and as more and more deaths ,burial ground once again bet on it, no one dares to easily enter therein ,and are able to enter without a doubt that is nine on the order the peak of the elite team .
relationresultBut theyenter when there is a faith ,don touch the spirit mountain ,met the spirit mountain run ,don be a hero has become so much in the front mission team after next !relationresultThe newsspread to more and more widely ,but the burial ground apart from some of the elite team good luck encounter to die some test team, has become surprisingly calm, quiet terrible people .
But everyone was waiting for ,waiting to see whether the next thousand mountains who aim ,waiting to see whether the spirit mountain what kind of ... ... , relationresultThe 187th chapter the invincible , relationresultHave you heard?Spirit mountain in the burial ground invincible.
Here are some recent nine order ready to enter the burial sites were referred by most topic .relationresultNowthe spirit world if you really reached nine order shock buried thoughts still do not know the spirit mountain across the burial ground thing ,then you just across the .
relationresultBut theburial ground of the storm is far from over ,in all waiting to see whether the spirit mountain next crazy, a new message makes people feel as if in a dream , relationresultWan Xianshan did not dieone regiment destroyed so many teams yes ,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com,is this message ,the message is someone from the burial ground in coming .
relationresultIfthe preceding message thunder ,then this is the thunderstorm .relationresultWithout losing a manto create so many could not record ,this is simply a dream, who can believe such a fantastic thing ?relationresultCan you believe this message ? Spirit mountain ,a group of students sitting together, now it have gone mad, let alone outside of the person, even if the spirit mountain disciples didn believe .
relationresultYeah ,I also think not ,across so many teams ,even if is again good luck dies too few people . some people agree .relationresultBut someonesaid when some people objected : ,a completely together invincible team if it really exists ,then the nondestructive mission destroy enemy is not possible , relationresultYou funny ?You know in the burial ground is what people ?It is gambling ,in one Later ,you expect such people unite and form a complete as one of the team ? Someone on the above viewpoints expressed disdain .
relationresultIn fact,his idea is right ,if under normal circumstances ,spirit day case is the most correct performance ,but who can think of a way for Ouyang to be a ?If the first time Ouyang really put so much evil spirit all down ,then there is absolutely no today spirit mountain elite team . Related articles:

