
beats by dre the body sideIs ea

, The food for powder hears the sail come back from recovering and all happily hug in the hallway, line up growth to grow of 2 rows welcome with crowd cheering on both sides of street.
The first lieutenant of Qiong Si tightly heel at sail after death to the sail make collective report the circumstance of big brigade:"Superior, the ZOSI big brigade falls in action on that day 374 well-known scholar soldier, also have 5 squads long and 2 in the captain fall in action, get hurt of the soldier have already all recovered on this the twoths, now big brigade only one left expand plait of in brigade."
The sail hear loss so serious, the heart first time is sad, the eyebrows is tightly wrinkly, slowly condense on smiling face of face, gloomy of shake hands with each subordinate, in this way, gradually was infected food for powder, warmly of the applause is sparse to pull of clap, end, everyone breathed droop bottom.
Sail heart in a sour, the station settles at the food for powder in the center, the mood heavily says to this everyone:"The brotherses, we lost a lot of war allies for a daytime, they were your brotherses, also my brothers, is exactly have their sacrifice, just gave us the opportunity to exist down, here, we stand in silent for three minutes and express lofty esteem towards dying difficult war allies!"
The sail endure tears, is deeply low head under go, owner, include Mo rather major general, all follow to take off military cap helmet, the mood is heavy lowly head.
Many soldiers toghter and highly take an oath:"I swear by a soldier's honor and dare to die to defend national territory!Dare to die to defend home!Dare to die to protect people!Dare to die to protect my war ally!Dare to die the extremely conceited greed of fighting the Ge Lang Si empire!"
The sail flap arm to halloo:"In the name of freedom, is freedom but fight!"
Owner, in spite of race, together the voice hallooes:"For freedom but fight!For freedom but fight!"

Chapter 51 crary plan

Sail of sad be infected all people, the arousing of sail is courageously and equally infected all people, rise from this a moment, rise from this war, the sail made sure the leadership position that oneself can not falter.
Return to battle staff officer room, all youths and warriors all are been subjected to invite to is present a strategic meeting, sail still especially the idea invited the Qiong Si first lieutenant a cake of attendance.
The owners all sat quietly, Mo rather the adjutant of major general start in brief making collective report:"Commander officer's you, each associate, because of the battle before the twoth, make the Ge Lang Si empire scorpion soldier large unit loss miserably heavy, on this the twoth inside, all didn't start a large-scale military operation.
However, the scorpion soldier's large unit didn't stop invading of preparation, according to wear Luo Ma Zhou's 3 other bases spread of probe intelligence report, the scorpion soldier has already collected total 2,750,000 troopseses of three army corpseses in the east, advance guard troops plus to be placed in to wear Luo Ma Zhou everywhere, have already come to a 3,100,000 or so, far wearing Luo far above us 1 times that of Ma Zhou existing total troops is many.
March forward route analysis according to new debarkation scorpion soldier's army corps, the target of the scorpion soldier's army corps will point to us at the same time four bases, once forming offensive, we everywhere will can not get the support of mutual while lying, circumstance also will very urgent."
Rather Mo major general flicks the briefing of interrupting the adjutant and calms down very much on the face, also very mild, it is 11 youths, speak slowly to look around an all over the body side:"Is each, thank you very much to everything done by Matthew, I hope to ask for help of your strength again and bury these scorpion soldiers all not in power heart underneath, now, you also already know situation, I also not much say what useless talk, the analysis and viewpoint that wants to listen to you to the warfare."
Rather Mo major general smiles to see to sail, in the youth of this group, the sail is rather and most Mo for rely on of person, and, the sail also proved himself/herself by own performance.
Hear scorpion a soldier like this huge troops, the sail is in fact also very surprised, untidy in the heart, before and even if is the large unit that once ran into 100,000, but truely face of is also 120,000, in the base, narrow more several thousand.
Now, even if is a whichever base, have to have 800,000 the scorpion soldier's amounts wanting to face or so, that is no longer personal ability can resist of, the sail lower the head, wrinkly the eyebrows contemplate, completely didn't keep in mind Mo rather major general to say what.
Nearby, the Rui rather waits a person to also all frighten into inaction, who didn't expect a test to unexpectedly become a terrible war, and, the enemy who face unexpectedly has several 1,000,000, this is in their nation, the total troops of whole country doesn't arrive this piece as well and gushed to fear to fear on the public face and nervous facial expression, lookinging at of look in the eyes fluster other people.
The first lieutenant of Qiong Si quietly sits at sail nearby, the first lieutenant has never met as well by himself/herself such of battle, in fact, all Matthew's soldiers and military officers have never met, because the Matthew galaxy all has no to outwardly once extend in these 2,000 in the last yearses, the strain for having not realized war for a long time and oppress.
Mo rather the major general don't dare to bother the way of thinking of sail, he also knows, the affair like this certainly needs to think to know just answer, only, he really don't know sail at this time already panic absolute being.
Very long, air's being like is taken out and sit more longly, atmosphere more depressed, each person's at heart also more and more suppresses and press breathe heavily however annoy.
Age less Su Ji the breath have been bulky, on the assembly hall'shout'of response write, the others heart first time tightly clenches and without previous arrangement sees toward Su Ji, Su Ji is immediately embarrassed but again flurried of return to see public,beats by dre.
The Rui is rather unbearable lightly push for a while sail, sail this just fierce surprised waked up from contemplate, raised head shockedly and looking at Rui rather, Rui rather look in the eyes toward or so turn turn, signal hint the sail felt by himself/herself, sail just discover the atmosphere coagulated in the assembly hall thus suppressed Yu, the favour opened a mouth big of absorb one breath, slowly vomit after, in the heart just release however some.
The sail ashamedly smiled to smile, toward nearby of the person ordered to nod, then saw toward Mo rather major general.Mo rather the major general have been already seen sail for a long time, don't expect the sail be unexpectedly thus contemplated to among them, see the sail see toward oneself, Mo rather major general unbearable again ask a way:"Lieutenant colonel, what viewpoint do you have to the warfare?"
The sail suddenly hear Mo rather the major general order to own name, favour'Pa'of stand get up, straight body, good short while, just think of is oneself to want to announce an opinion, sail immediately face ascend tiny and red for a while, lightly coughed 2, cover up own nervous rude in behavior, ponder a short while, just hesitatingly make reference to:"H'm …, the scorpion soldier's amount is a lot of, we …cough!We have to think a way to lead long they pull a cake of, solution …relief everywhere of be rounded of hasty."
Rather Mo major general ordered to nod, flash across in eye one silk expects to and inquires about:"The lieutenant colonel depends on your viewpoint, how force scorpion the soldier gives up to everywhere lay siege to of power, come together at a cake of?"
The face of sail Be immediately red to get up, with sail current idea, which know how do such a turn round the business of the universe, the sail embarrassedly touch own lower ear lobe and lower the head to see toward the first lieutenant of Qiong Si, and then took a look others, many youths a meet the vision of sail, flurried of droop bottom.
The first lieutenant of Qiong Si wanted to think and raised hand clear voice to make reference to:"Report descends officer's some words to mean to say!"
Rather Mo major general astonishment looking at this young first lieutenant, however, still keep ordering to nod, stretched out to signal hint the first lieutenant of Qiong Si free speech.
The Qiong Si first lieutenant Shua also stand get up, stand erect body, first to Mo rather the major general send thanks, then just the clear voice make reference to:"Each superior, descend the officer thoughts of to°from the Jing sail superior's viewpoint some, currently, although we were rounded of power, actually, we at west go to three forward troopses that base neighborhood also only has a more than 200,000 scorpions soldier of northern side, if, we compete first give° these scorpion soldiers to polish off, so, we at formality then have no so passive, then, we take three bases as an on-line and constitute a defense line, the chariot large unit of each base crest arrive outside go to, the mutual keeps to help to defend, so, can promise that the enemy doesn't dare to at will separate.
Moreover, we send an a few large units again and march forward at the soldier of scorpion of route up ambuscade all the way, let the scorpion soldier's activity be led long to make, had better lure them to carry on making track for shot.Then we lure all scorpion soldiers again Related articles:

