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 The thin Lin favour backs to open several steps and turned to turn left foot, feel for the first time Yi arrogant strength, in the thin Lin heart not from get a trace of fear get up, the power head attacking and occupying is certainly then weak to come down, settle of the station defended at first.
The Yi know his/her own strength far far above the thin Lin, and oneself's leg grows feet long of take the offensive more beneficial, at this time, then started attacking and occupying, greatly mark time to come forward, the right boxing keeps offending, take the deeply information keeps shot thin Lin noodles door, speed's pouring isn't quick, thin Lin a back 3, don't dare to connect a boxing, but still cannot compare with on the skill Yi.
The Yi exploitation lately learn of light body effort, quickly approaching of the skidding sort thin Lin, the fist is 1, change to 4 to keep putting, boxing breeze already near in the in front, thin Lin sum up of flow sea to all force to fly.
Back again, the thin Lin has already backed to cannot compare with and have to carry a strength to raise hands anti- push, the right foot is deeply inclined to step is after death making to prop up.The finger tip of Yi touch the center of palm of hand of thin Lin, the thin Lin signs the constringency center of palm of hand unload dint, but, Yi 4 comply with the surrounding a curved, point to put to become the inch of singing the spring to enter, the one punch is 4 powers.
Use to make an effort of the Yi get down a to press on the last power boxing, the hands of thin Lin drive hard living to force before the chest, later on, thin Lin the whole body drive the strength dint earthquake of Yi fly to stay back a to connect 5, finally still arrive can not stand, backward turn over severals roll just unload all strength dint, fall to sit on the turf-grass.
The thin Lin sits on the ground and opens widely mouth, full is frightened earth's surface feeling, thin Yan and Lin Lin Mang to rob to come forward to hand thin Lin on the face the inquiry of Die not, O.K. Yi be just luck vigorously press urgently thin Lin to fall, the body of the thin Lin top also nothing important harm, just ascend many grass roots on face Ceng of head, thin Lin be just drive Yi of arrogant lived for earthquake, just on recruiting, the thin Lin has been already hurt.
The appearance that sees thin Lin, the thin Yan in the mind immediately feels 1 kind fear, originally think that coming to an is black to take 5, can ast least put together 4510 recruit of, have never thought thin Lin just on raising a hand and then losting, oneself so faces than the Yi still want many strong of sail, isn't small lives to all have no.
The thin Yan frightenedly looking at Lin Lin and wants to give up to have a competition more in the heart, however how all could not say words, Lin Lin looking at the facial expression of thins Yan, the in the mind early knows that the result will be such, otherwise, with own temper, how can change to have a competition item at the time.
Sigh tone, Lin Lin nods to the thin Yan point, thin Yan just calling of as if relieved of a heavy burden:"The third compare force I give up!"
The sail smile happily of scold Yi:" Yi, have a phrase did you forget?Tenderness toward woman!Chinese man's virtue you how forget, this was different from you!"
The Yi see once oneself make moves, thin Lin must so far, also early frighten afraid, be worried that the thin Lin but again doesn't dare to come forward, foolish lower the head the fist of lookinging at I not to know over there is just thinking what.Drive sail so a surprised, immediately and then and mumblingly say:"I ain't intentional, not intentional ……"
The sail mean to sympathetic towardly clap the shoulder of Yi, mercilessly order, then on smiling, then pull the Yi head for thin Lin they, the sail compete first ask a way:"Thin Lin, you are all right?"Then see Lin Lin again, see thin Yan.
The thin Lin is very not easy to return to absolute being, shook to shake head, didn't talk, poured is nearby of Lin Lin Mian take saying of angry countenance:"Like, calculate you to win!However also need not descend a so heavy hand and saw a thin Lin beating all silly."
The thin Lin favour shakes Lin Lin's hand to say:"Do not blame him of, is that I have never stood good stake, don't blame him."
Hear thin Lin not strange oneself, the Yi is immediately a little bit happy, mumblingly say:"Is sorry!Is sorry!"
The sail see a thin Lin nothing important a matter, quickly circle field:"Like, everyone's a classmate, original have no a necessity to contend for around of, have a competition this time, be have never taken place, later who don't lift, either, for meaning a rightness of apology of thin Lins, so, I and the Yi invite you to city in have meal, help calm nerves!"

The advent of chapter 6 change everything

Lin Lin and thin Yan the too anxious to nobody bring up this matter, favour not noding of Die, but the thin Lin is like the Chi was fond of and settle to certainly hope the Yi is dejected, original secretly like the thin Lin of Yi be addicted to more to drown now.
The sail see, then and silently bumped to bump with the shoulder Yi, signal hint the Yi start to hand thin Lin.
The Yi took a look sail, in the heart still not too dare, drive sail scathing look in the eyes encouragement bottom, just red the face ask a way:"Thin Lin, I hand you to get up good?"
Thin Lin such as be hypnotized a little bit similar nod, stretch out right hand to let the Yi pulled to hand.
Suddenly bottom ascend a burst of drill the pain of heart, the ear spreads Lin Lin's low language:"Thin Lin, did you eat to be fond of a medicine?See your this spoony's kind!Isn't acting with dignity to order very good?"
By Lin Lin Shou's two use to remind, the thin Lin suddenly wakes up, this just discovers own hand drive the Yi lead long, favour not the Die ground jilt to open, on the face immediately red glow at sunset all over the face.See Yi also the Chi fan get up, saliva almost the run off came.
Immediately, the head of Yi then drive sail Tienjin explode Li, the sail smile to scold a way:"The Chi male resents a female you, also have already finished don't finish?
The Jing Yun doesn't want to follow Lin Lin, so has to the all started out, the sail open an old daddy in person of the produce in 2000 of exceed Bach 62, take the Yi wait person to enter in to°from the manor of outskirts prosperous downtown and sought a place parking, take time is it's yet early, 5 people then go first to take a walk street,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com.
This several individuals walking down the street be the focus of stranger, don't say 2 handsome boys first, nearby that beautiful twins' sister sufficient eye-catcher, all the way, pedestrian all the Ze Ze praise highly, the sail satisfiedly stick out the chest and raise head to walk on the public front and make after death 4 people toghter give first a cold stare, all then smiled later on.
Sail just don't care, selfishly smile to nod to say "hello" to the stranger, then like all know.
At this time, the sail hear a flank a rightness of loverses silently a saying of voice:"The city inside cans be really noisy and comes to two weird giants first and has already come to a few handsome's pretty girls now and at last open new vista today today."
The sail hear in oneself's in front incredibly and someone steals the show, not from get heart in not great, walk to come forward toward that to with a charming smilely ask a way to the lovers:"Handsome boy's beauty!Bother for a while, just I hear you speak of to see two weird giants over there, can say to let me listen to?"
Hear sail the handsome boy like this asks an affair, the that girl compete first says:"Shout, at ten word street street opposite, they one carry a huge bag, far far can see, this ……"
The words haven't finished saying, is then pushed mulberry by the that guy to walk and far and far heard the that guy scolding:"You are this Sao goods, appear in public one handsome is isn't ……"
The sail shook to shake head, don't think as well idea, who make oneself long handsome, it is a very normal matter to be envied by the another man, become accustomed to good.
The sail return to body, to after death several people ask a way:"You also heard, we saw not very good, anyway and there having house to burn the goose is very good, the environment is also very good, need our right there of meeting to have lunch good."
Yi and thin Lin 2 people still just often cast glances of love, go to which all doesn't matter of, Lin Lin and thin Yan anyway also have no matter, then also promise and see.
5 people wear to cross the street in quick time and stand the street is at the prosperous business street, two side many-storied building wood in, the street last person bearer goes toward, the Xi Xi Rang Rang.The sail Dian rise toe and raise to cover sunlight dynasty street of that sees go, definite, from a distance and then see a huge brown bag move before going toward in the crowd, already quick arrive street tail.
Once the sail beckon with the hand and signal hint public keep up with, but oneself compete first ran to go out and flowed at the person in, sail with borrow to do of skill, quickly shuttle, the different meeting then disappears at the crowd in, annoy Lin Lin keep stamping foot.
The Yi then comfort public, say:"This person be so, all quiet don't come down at 1:00, however is unimportant, we followed the direction of that bag to walk and then went, I have the ambulation communication of the sail number, he can not run."
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