
Beats Solo HD immediately led

Sound ,the horse to fall .relationresultZhou Hongmingblow off ,with non-stop, Down momentum ,a bayonet to another the cavalry .Two horses collide, two rifles with prick .The cavalry was Zhou Hongming shot out in ma .
relationresultImmediatelyopposite rushed a cyan horse ,horse knight with long-handled sword ,to cut down the Zhou Hongming pledge .From the oncoming force and tool path ,Zhou Hongming can be judged, the Tangut Knights martial arts than just two people much stronger .
Hurried on horseback necking down to hide the head ,at the same time in the hands of pike also meet potential a .relationresultKnife lightflashed, two horse staggered, Zhou Hongming leaves fluttered to the floor .
And the spear barbs ,hanging a linen ,I broke out in a cold sweat .While the guardian curtain Yanping looked at from Si in right coerce torn in his son ,also was not a little surprised at .
Two people are aware ,in this battle, encountered opponent .relationresultThenlater Song Jun also caught up, both sides fight hand to hand with ,melee up .While Zhou Hongming and Wei Mu Yanping two people also turns the horse, fighting together again .
relationresultBoth partiesof men shouting and horses neighing bowel sound .But Song Jun two thousand men ,only three hundred cavalry ,others are infantry ,while the army cavalry ,and the number is more than Song Jun ,though it is not the army times of Li Yuanhao but also great advantage .
The two sides play a round of two or three, lost for nearly 400 people ,rather than the army .relationresultWhen Zhou Hongming saw,not so with the army could pull open .And the adjustment of a cohort ,let the cavalry separation on both sides, the infantry soldiers in the middle, with top ,Archer house ,union of far and near ,stay motionless, waiting for the army to attack .
relationresultThischange because of great results ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,Wei Mu Yanping Lvjun even attack two times, can shake the touchdown angle song .But the loss of more than 300 ride .But he is not simple reckless man ,know only one flavor recklessly ,immediately changed tactics ,diversionary feint Road ,for strength ,and to attack the emphasis is placed on the wings ,and to send troops ,around to the song behind the attack .
relationresultThe battlefieldwas immersed in deadlock ,playing half a hour ,is still the main army ,deputy Lord guard ,played a cliffhanger .relationresultThen thedistance and dusty ,and came to support a song .
relationresultWeiMu Yanping saw ,also dare not go on fighting continues, now occupies initiative ,immediately led the army to withdraw and return on the north shore of the Yellow River ,Beats Solo HD.
relationresultComesupport Lanzhou defends Yang Changpeng ,after Yang Zhaoguang retired ,he remained in Sichuan ,are now to the promotion to command, stationed in Lanzhou, and the new state ,rivers state ,calculus ,etc.
.relationresultThis time hebrought five thousand troops ,but only one thousand cavalry .But the army cavalry ,Artist Series,therefore also pursued not .Fortunately saved the village other people ,not the army sweeping into .
But houses ,farmland ,the army was on fire .relationresultThirty-seven of all internal ( on) , relationresultBoth sideshave spy exchange ,therefore the domestic is the implementation of new things ,the bar had learned .
But a member of the men ,including the Emperor Yan Yong ,finish ,this is not to regard it as right ,because they know that the Southern Song Dynasty of Xining reform after the Southern Song Dynasty ,think this one reform but like last time cop-out ,much more than last internal friction .
But according to return the spies ,piloted in one year new ,made a good effect ,it seems ,this time the implementation of the law ,to have the possibility of success .relationresultAfterthe Southern Song Dynasty and open ,and heard in resentment began to reform military system ,the Daikin under some panic .
The princes also know ,now the Southern Song Dynasty emperor Zhao Chen is obviously not the previous emperor ,is a pair of Daikin attitude than the effect of strong person .But Yang Yan at one assistant .
If the reform success again ,will inevitably bring about the abundance .But to reform military system ,have a such as Yuejia army as soldiers ,this can be the big disadvantage ,therefore must try to stop it .
relationresultJustafter the new year, Wanyan Yong immediately sent to the junior high school ,for the Southern Song Dynasty northwest border to send troops to attack .And to provide part of the weapon material ,but also as the guarantee ,if the troops ,so when necessary, Jin also sent troops to help .
relationresultWanyanYong reckon without one is to let the troops of the Southern Song Dynasty ,the southern border of harassment ,struggling to cope with the Southern Song Dynasty ,the national power consumption .
But after more than a year after the retreat ,the power of the Jin has also been restored ,although not enough to support a full-scale battle ,but in some border conflict ,hit a few limited local war or can .
relationresultSo alsoin the song and Jin border increased military presence ,on one hand is to pin down the troops ,the song failed to fully to deal with the attack ,and on the other hand ,if a but the army could win in northwest ,Jin can also took the opportunity to immediately sent troops ,although temporarily unable to face the south, but capture some of the Southern Song Dynasty land ,or forced to sign the peace treaty to the Southern Song Dynasty ,Jin Dynasty tribute more old coins can still make it .
Even the army failed ,and use the national power ,at the same time, Jin also can maintain adequate interference ability ,from the deal, to protect their vassal state interests .relationresultButafter receiving the credentials ,the emperor Li Renxiao immediately called secretary ,to discuss strategy .
Although Li Renxiao can guess the one time this intention ,but this is the Western Xia Jin vassal ,and now Li Renxiao also need to restrict the country by any respect ,a Jin refused any respect to thank the table ,so that any respect authority fell ,also let Li Renxiao feel a lot, also very grateful to the Jin Dynasty ,although Li Renxiao is fond of art ,but also know ,this time can not refuse the request .
relationresultTheminister also understand this ,so have persuaded Li Renxiao to agree the request ,even if it is really like .The junior high school and some generals also get tired of this life have nothing to do ,feel that this is an opportunity ,can reorganization about Xixia prestige ,find the king emperor Li Yuanhao era feeling ,and can also make themselves to establish military ,rise in the official world ,also claims to send troops to attack the Southern song dynasty .
relationresultLi Renxiao sees thecondition ,also promised the messenger .relationresultTwo years agofailed last year to attack the song ,Jin to thank and rejected ,two times of frustration, also make the country by any respect power and influence are greatly reduced, so the Li Renxiao decision ,any respect or just keep silence ,did not raise any objections pieces .
relationresultAnd the song,Liao ,Jin compared to other countries, its just down the West melon is a small country ,but it is a strong country, execute the national military system, in view of the emperor Li Yuanhao, the country with three hundred thousand conventional forces, and one but really fight ,can mobilize the near seven hundred thousand soldiers .
Now the soldier potential although less than ever ,but at home to collect a forty or fifty thousand troops is not difficult .Can say pure from military said the song ,not more ,gold differ by a number .
relationresultJustprior to this ,more than half the country forces under the control of the country Zha let to hand ,Emperor Li Renxiao to grasp the strength of less than one hundred and fifty thousand .
But now let respect prestige plummeted ,some military generals immediately all temporization ,have also turned to the side ,also make Li Renxiao can control the strength of more than two hundred thousand .
relationresultThe outcome of this accidentcaused Li Renxiao to think the troops to attack the song is not a bad thing, at least can use this opportunity ,gradually stripped of any respect military power, to control the state power .
Therefore ,to name the life Zhong and mountains are two people ,the fifty thousand army, respectively, of the Southern Song Dynasty and the new state of Lanzhou offensive .And life pivot quest didn cloth competent Army food logistics issues .
relationresult�� ���Song Xiang to support the original 1*7*K �� �� ��relationresultIn February twenty-six ,West thief defeated two road ,Lanzhou Beijing Branch in my turn ,Dongmenguan etc. ,burn s grazing . Related articles:

