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The door ,put the team in town .Then life Yan Wei with five hundred soldiers out of the forest ,Gu Xueping and others to receive iron .relationresultAlthoughYan Wei with a shower of arrows shot for a confused army ,but also see the chaos army of approximately 3000 from ,in his strength ,so did not dare to chase ,called Tie Chenglin and Gu Xueping with their returned with imperial .
relationresultWhenZhao who has alighted from the carriage ,also push on the wall to watch ,see this scene ,also unavoidably deploring shaking his head .Although she is not what will only, but for a long time on the battlefield to kill with Yang Yan syndrome ,also be be a veteran in battle ,just now ,the rebels are large in number ,but a shower of arrows shot it into disarray ,visible pure is a help a motley crew ,if that immediately rushed up, although not necessarily be able to put down the rebellion ,but at least can also hit the rebel ,a heavy blow to the arrogance of the rebels .
Visible holding said army in peacetime training is good, but too short of actual combat experience ,such a good fighter ,but is wasted .relationresultAllare in the Imperial City ,immediately close the door ,Artist Series,Yan Wei ordered the people close to the wall .
But then the whole palace have been alerted ,little lights ,as bright as day .Have been pregnant queen ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,and Princess Yue Ying Xie ,Han Fei ,Yang Fei and others ran out, plus the carry of Chamberlain lady-in-waiting, in the front yard station with a blind person .
Just now Zhao Chen as Zhao Yueru ,Zhao Qianru asks what happening ,too busy to stare them these people .relationresultHeardsomeone rebellion ,is attacking the Imperial City ,there are a few timid wives but are scared to cry .
But they cried to drive many maids the Chamberlain followed to cry too ,such as Zhao Yueru ,Zhao Qianru ,Zhao Zichen knew it, the walls are crying a piece .Three people can stunned .
relationresultAt this moment,listen only crash a loud noise ,everybody was frightened jump, following the sound and look ,Yue Ying was a queen of his own two Chamberlain will be a potted plant to broken .
relationresultSee publicattention for being attracted ,Yue Ying loudly: you lie ?But now is a group of thieves who robbed bit too big for her skin ,try in vain to rebellion ,but the emperor heaven hath ,enjoy popular confidence ,and it is these ants of the shake ,now Royal has defenders in your peace ,and what is to fear .
Besides of Jiankang city has arch St. ,holding on the no fewer than 5 ,outside the city ,and was Secretary of tens of thousands of troops ,but know the danger ,will come to the rescue ,waiting for reinforcements arrived, the rebels natural crumble .
You are so howler ,not from random morale ?But it also disrupts the emperor counter-insurgency plan, from now on ,again in a howler ,raved, the house never forgive . , relationresultYueYing since it entered the palace ,is always a benign countenance image appears ,known to anger ,almost everyone is seeing her for the first time this song with stern look ,all of a sudden was overawed ,just a howler who dare not cry ,just cry from time to time .
relationresultThensomebody: the queen said ,from now on ,again dare a howler ,raved, a rate . All the people ,it is also spoken to the Empress Dowager zhou .relationresultZhao Chen,Yue Ying ,Zhao Yueru ,Zhao Qianru and others rushed to the empress dowager empress big week week line ,with a wave of her hand ,and said: now is the time ,these complicated ritual has a rate forgive .
And then pulled Yue Ying said: you this boy ,although it is helping with the government is a good thing ,but we should also pay attention to some ,you are his people, million move the tire air ,how can be won .
, relationresultYueYing is low head ,said: the empress responsibility is is, is his concubine temporarily impatient ,just to forget everything . , relationresultThe Empress DowagerZhao week of lichen : government ,in case of emergency, here you to arrange it ,I took the queen back to rest .
, relationresultZhao Chen nodded,and then immediately ordered all ,concubines ,Chamberlain ,palace maid rate back to cry ,not to people everywhere ,not to mess around .Then ordered to Yang Yan had arranged accommodation ,and by Zhao Qianru to manage .
relationresultZhao Chen thenordered the imperial doctor to see queen in veins ,cure ,because Zhao Yueru and beautiful purple also pregnant, so let a doctor look together .The original Yue Ying after pregnancy, in order to be able to readily see disease ,specially in the Imperial Palace has arranged accommodation ,four doctor turns in the palace on duty ,so now there is the imperial palace .
relationresultAll the palacethings are arranged well, only Zhao Chen and Yan Wei ,iron ,Gu Xueping ,Xiang Ling forest together against the rebels approach .Although Zhao Yueru is pregnant ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,but she is seen the big parade ,so stay together .
relationresultNowa palace guard army soldiers with 2000 people, these archers were two ,Yang Fu males are incorporated into the guard the palace team .Due to fear a mutiny ,and the walls of the Imperial Palace in general are one of about five feet ,in some places even up to two feet ,is also provided with a watchtower and arrow tower ,it is a small town .
It is very strong .relationresultThenin the Imperial City ,Mune Chenxuan and others have to sort out the rebels ,approaching to imperial .But to the imperial side found ,the high walls ,is a human can not climb .
But to act hastily ,there was no ladder type climbing tool ,thus the rebels can only be wandering near the wall ,one time I do not know what to do .relationresultOn the wallof Song Jun ,took the opportunity to rebel is aligned with a shower of arrows wild ,once again shot hundreds of rebels ,the other rebels hurried back ,you let me grab ,formation and chaos .
relationresultZhao Yueruon the wall to see, hurried to Zhao Chen said: government ,the rebel team chaos ,visible has no training ,only a group of a motley crew ,are now in retreat ,if at this time we took the opportunity to attack, will be able to defeat the rebels .
You can also defeated the rebels .relationresultZhao Chen nodded,although he did not experience the battlefield ,but often read concept soldiers drill ,so also can see the rebels did not the whole team ,therefore ordered the attack .
The present by Zhao Yueru assignment ,make strict Granville and LX ,leaf Muxue ,iron forest ,Zhang Wei with eight hundred soldiers out of town to chase the rebels ,leaving Gu Xueping and Huang Mingxia led the remaining soldiers in the city protection .
relationresultAsong from the Imperial Palace ,out, chasing rebels after the team will kill .The rebels saw ,some want to turn against ,while others want to escape, the jostling with each other ,more turmoil .
While pursued by Song Jun ,a slash Meng killed, the rebels simply couldn .The song killing in succession fell to the ground .relationresultZong Tianxuan,the original secret palace disciples also tried desperately to resist a ,but the battle ,than does the arena battle ,the strength of an individual is really cannot clap with one hand .
But in the song ,also there is no lack of Xiang Ling ,Ye Muxue very master ,so Zong Tianxuan and others were doing a full ,or resist ,finally retreated .Song Jun opportunity to give chase, for out of hundreds of steps ,only to kill the rebels fell corpse everywhere, fled helter-skelter .
relationresultZhao Chenupon the wall, see very clear ,she laughs: the six sister ,you see these rebels is really help a motley crew ,with the help of ants ,even dare to revolt ,is really laughable .
, relationresultZhao Yuerushook his head ,said: government should not be happy too early ,this rebellion is Zong Tianxuan ,Zhao Hong and others plan over a number of years, well-planned ,acting in close .
Now most of the Imperial Army V ,one will have to Jiankang ,emptiness ,by surprise ,really is a great chance for success .If no prior notice ,so that we can know in advance a rebellion ,ending is really not know .
, relationresultZhao Chennodded ,said: the six sister ,you are right ,I do not know who is in advance and ,I must many awards in his . , relationresultZhao Yueru pointed to adistant Ye Muxue back, said: she is the one . Related articles:

