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Despise ,is also related to the rise and fall of the safety of song ,Sichuan governors can help to identify the truth, but a rebellion of Wu Xi come true ,but also try to spot the grappling, major responsibilities .
Not only to both intelligent and courageous ,and adjust to changing circumstances ,vigilant cautious ,a bold but cautious ,resourceful person not competent ,Hill view my song the princes ,only Yang consort can but this does ,if change Paranthropus ,not only in Central Sichuan, it will be up to no good life ,the imperial court ,also please with human figure .
, relationresultBut at this stage ,Yang Yan also expressed his attitude is the column ,so Zhao Chen could open ,Yang Yan by the column, said: Your Majesty ,we will Qingzhi ,but any imperial envoy inspection ,Sichuan ,getting really like ,Fushun place, is willing to your majesty .
, relationresultZhao Chen looked straight ,then Han Yan has said: ,if you into the state, then the Longxing mansion was again how to do ? , relationresultYang Yandao : Liu Shumi said good, Sichuan safety is related to the rise and fall of big song ,therefore we must not sit Sichuan regardless of .
Lung hsing mansion situation ,Chen just by thought ,can temporarily by Bi Zaiyu ,Cao hoon ,high shock troops stationed should be no others ,visit .Now only the Sichuan is the major event ,must not be overlooked .
Please your majesty appointed Minister for imperial envoy inspection ,sichuan . , relationresultZhao Chen listened to ,but also some shilly-shally .Don the promise .Then Chen Junqing before: ,I thought it must be approved ,no hurry to today this moment .
He has just come back today ,I can let him rest for a night ,everybody also think ,appointed governors things, and discuss it tomorrow . , relationresultZhao Chen thought ,said: well ,let here today ,tomorrow and .
, relationresultGo home ,Yang Yan followed Yang Yizhong to go home .Yang Yizhong did not mention the road to Sichuan thing ,but told Yang Yan ,Yang young staff with from static river house moved to heaven to the house .
The old lady Yang Yan Yang and two other wives tassel ,Rui Yan also come the day near the house ,both in the house and settle down ,cheap beats by dre.relationresultYang Yan listened to the nature in the heart is very happy ,and Yang Yizhong felt to be also good ,two people talking and laughing ,with the mansion .
Yang Yanxian and Yang Yizhong went to Yang old lady .relationresultThe old ladysaw Yang Yang Yan, nature is the beam with smiles ,he let Yang Yan stood up ,pulling him all sorts of questions .
Then Yang Yizhong aside lightly cough twice, Yang old lady that would have been intended to ,smiled and said: Zi Hao ,I here courtesy by to have a look ,go back to your wife .But they are so worried .
, relationresultYang Yizhong also laughed : you little couple have long time no see ,quickly go, don waiting . , relationresultAlthough Yang Yan feel to them for two old look odd, but after all, Tassels and Rui Yan miss very much ,also regardless of must think ,bid farewell to Mrs Yang Yizhong ,came to live in their own yard .
relationresultOn coming to the house ,but Zhao Qianru ,tassel ,Rui Yan purple ,red and beautiful forest sisters and sat in the hall ,was joking ,see Yang Yan back ,Zhao Qianru to have nothing, Tassels and strict pistil and went up .
relationresultIn fact, they also get together to leave less much ,but no one is consistent in troubled times like now ,the feeling is more be a survivor of a disaster .Yang Yan took a few steps ,to hold a tassel ,in turn several ring .
relationresultZhao Qianru was sitting in a chair ,very calm ,see Yang Yan so excited ,and hurried from the stand up ,pull Yang Yan ,said: drop tassel younger sister ,what are you doing here .
, relationresultYang Yan put down the tassels ,Rui Yan also rushed over, take Yang Yan away, reproachfully : master ,you are too careless, hurt ,how to do ? Then I took the tassels ,said: Ma are you okay? Lin Chazi ,Lin Yanhong also quickly came on ,under the watch of tassel ,it will hurt .
relationresultYang Yan also can not help but somewhat puzzled, tassel is a woman ,but not feeble great lady ,just picked her up ,worth the get excited over a little thing ?: ? , relationresultZhao Qianru pushed him, road : you this, is when Dad man ,how is this hairy hands and ,just like that of the dangers, if hurt children how to do ? , relationresultYang Yan was a shock ,big mouth ,speechless, eyes look to the tassels .
relationresultTassels down .Hand gently on his lower abdomen ,surface stain blush ,corners of the mouth are showing a trace of smile .Yang Yan enraptured ,went to the fringe before, just want to hold her hand ,and immediately felt wrong, to hold fringed hand ,said: fringe ,is it true? You really .
.. ... , relationresultTassel softly well and lowered his head .relationresultRui Yan it aside laughs: ,two wife pregnant ,to after three months .After a few months, you when dad .
, relationresultYang Yan quickly pulled tassel walked in front of the chair, said: sit down, sit down, don stand . With great care of when she sat on the chair ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.Then he asked : where you live now ,wait on hand is enough, must live the best room .
Or in the kitchen, a separate preparation ... ... , relationresultZhao as she hit him ramble in one ,said with a smile : rest assured ,the arrangement of the things I have to arrange .You don worry so much .
, relationresultOne family is said, suddenly young full come in, said: husband ,the palace came a father-in-law ,please and Princess Palace council . , relationresultYang Yan listens, immediately knew that Zhao Chen must have been to Sichuan things to look for their own .
This was to think of it ,in the palace on his excitement ,volunteered to go to Sichuan ,but now that the tassel to the pregnant, Yang Yan can not help but feel hesitant ,should insist to Sichuan ?, wonderful unlimited http://Www.
HOTSK.Com/ , relationresultFour 3 Sichuan drama , relationresultTassel Yang inflammation appear to be reluctant to see ,do not know he is for Sichuan thing ,thought he was not himself ,said : the emperor ,please you and your sister something ,go ahead, I have at home care ,don miss me .
, relationresultYang Yan nodded ,busy and changed his clothes ,wash out ,and Zhao Qianru set off ,hurried to the palace .relationresult****************************** relationresultTo the palace, but Chen Liang is waiting at the gate at Palace ,Yang Yanlai .
Chen Liang was greeted, said: Zi Hao ,soon ,beats by dre uk,the emperor is waiting for you ? , relationresultChen Liang is now Ren Huanzhang court straight degree ,while speaking and a business letter .
Who is as the emperor consulting references, examine ,and consultant ,and a preparation for the emperor Chao is drafting letters ,making word .Office is not very high ,but the emperor ,can always contact with the emperor ,so it is a very important position ,but are generally recognized by have a large stock of information ,but the term .
relationresultAlthough Chen Liang is young, but can super-step ,the scholar-bureaucrat prestigious ,but always claims to recover lost ground, so Zhao Chen appointed him as a spoke and a business letter ,Chen Junqing and Han Yanzhi all without opposition .
relationresultIn Zhao Chen ,Zhao Chen and Zhao Yueru are waiting for them .relationresultChen Liang excused himself ,the people sit down later, Zhao Chencai said: really going to go to Sichuan ? , relationresultYang Yan on the way to the palace and Zhao Qianru negotiated ,Zhao Qianru also thinks ,now only using the Liu Gong approach ,because of the Sichuan now is too important ,is absolutely not accident .
But at present the competent governors who ,Yang Yan has only one person .Although now Jing Lake ,the Jiangnan area was also very nervous ,and tassel also pregnant in the body ,but also have no way ,only to let Yang Yan go for a visit to Sichuan .
relationresultYang Yan this before: small lichen ,now only by Sichuan financial resources ,material resources ,manpower support ,song is likely to repel the Jin army, recaptured both .
If the Sichuan loss, big song will perish ,so we in any case ,also cannot let the Sichuan accident, must I go to Sichuan ,act according to circumstances ,to try to stabilise the situation in sichuan .
, relationresultZhao Zichen said: now ,Jiangnan Jiangbei battles are fought victory, the situation is very good ,can not be done in one vigorous effort ,hit bottom to defeat the Jin army Related articles:

